Friday, December 19, 2008
Hope From A Baby
Maybe at this point you are wondering why I would write of something so sad at a time when joy and hope fills the air. One reason is to remind you that joy and hope is not in the heart of everyone around us. Many dread Christmas for one reason or another. This year, others will experience their first loss of one kind or another. Another reason is to tell you that so far, of all the stories I have read, I have not found one couple (family), that has not experienced a deepening of their faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Not one! This disease has brought them to a deeper, stronger, and more peaceful faith. This faith is the foundation that carries them through the most difficult time any one of us could face, the loss of a child.
In a way, Jesus was one of them. He too, at birth, was born with a death sentence. His disease, not T18 of course, was to carry the sins of mankind to the cross. By being born, by living a sin-free life, and suffering the physical pain of the cross and the weight of our sin, He offers hope to all of us who accept His sacrifice. Hope when the darkness of night envelopes us. Hope when we are afraid. Hope when the pain is so great we collapse under the weight.
Jesus left us a to do list until that day that he comes for us. On that list is his command to tell everyone we know about His love and the hope of living with Him eternally. We don't tell because we are afraid, but these little babies, these little ones who have not yet learned to speak, bring us along on their journey and tell the Good News of the one who offers hope to us all.
In my last post I told you of little Maxson. His dad wrote him a letter and read the letter to him and those in attendance at the funeral. The last paragraph may explain better what I have been trying to get across to you.
"Although we have felt the loss of a lifetime we would not trade the time we had with you for anything. I am confident that we will hold you again, it's just the time that we have left here, that separates us from you. We look forward to that day..."
So, as we gather with our families to celebrate the birth of Jesus and look around the room wishing we could see those that should be there but aren't, remember, it is just the time we have left here that separates us from them.
From us here at the view from the rocking chair, we pray that the greatest gift you receive this Christmas season the real gift of the baby Jesus, hope, peace, and eternal life.
Merry Christmas!!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Maxon's Family
I wish I could write each of them and offer an explination why God chose them for what is a very difficult time in their lives. To do so would be a presumption that I know what God has planned. I guess the best I could say is; God has promised His presence.
God has made that promise, not only to these young families dealing with an awful diagnosis, but to all of us. So during this season of Joy when there are many who are sad, remember them in your prayers and when you can, remind them, "God has promised His presence".
If you would like to read Maxon's journey click on his name and it will take you to his blog site.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Memories
I think all of our families try to have the Norman Rockwell type of Thanksgiving. We do our best to gather our families around and have a big huge meal of turkey and and the "fixins". Most times we succeed, but no matter how hard we try, other times it just doesn't work out.
Like most of you when living at home, we went to our grandparents home. Most times we went to my dad's folks because mom's family lived 12-13 hours away. Now, we are all spread out and for the most part we don't, we wait until Christmas.
Earlier I mentioned that two Thanksgivings stand out as different, their significance in my life will by no means inspire you, they just happened to me. I will tell you about them in chronological order.
Once in my early years in college, I think freshman year, I decided not to go with my family to the coast for Thanksgiving. I don't remember why but just didn't go. I spent the day at home and then on Friday decided to go to north Mississippi to see a friend that I had not seen for many years. I arrived at his home about mid-morning and greeted everyone and settled into a chair as we talked things that had happened since the last visit and reminisce about old memories.
Lunch time arrived and we started for the table to eat some lunch. Now I need to tell you little background. When I was growing up I did not like anything on my hamburgers but meat and the bun. Nothing! Nada! This friend and I spent a lot of time together our 1st, 2nd,and 3rd grade years before we moved away, so his mother knew full well my likes and dislikes. Now back to the table.
We all settled at the table. Pat and I had not seen each other for nearly 8 years let alone be at his mom's house. She decided to have hamburgers, which by this time was one of my pyramid foods. She sat the burger in front of me and said, "I know you still don't want anything but meat and bread". Folks, my jaw dropped and I laughed so hard I couldn't eat. This woman remembered my eating habits from so long ago. I told her that I had grown a little and requested some mayo and a slice of cheese. Even though I didn't think much of it then, I now realaize that we make impressions on people when we don't know it.
The last memory I will bore you with happened a few years after getting married. No, this has nothing to do with my wife's cooking. If you could see me, you would know that she cooks just fine, but this has everything to do with food and too much of it.
For many years we tried our hardest to be with both sides of the family every holiday. A few years ago it was easier because my parents lived a hour and a half north of my in-laws. So we would go there for Thanksgiving lunch and come back to the in-laws for dinner. That is what happened this time. We ate at my folk's and then went by the in-laws and had another big meal Two in one day. Needless to say I was pretty miserable but well satisfied. Now if I had known that somewhere I had been exposed to a bad stomach virus I believe I would have toned down the eating that day. About 11:00 that night the virus awoke and so did I. I stayed awake the rest of the night in the most important room in the house leaning against a wall. I can't ever remember ever being that sick before or since.
Whether you have traditional memories of Thanksgiving or some strange ones, Thanksgiving is a time for us to stop for a few minutes and remember all the blessings that God has provided for us. So if you are alone or if you are getting together with extended family, which we will do today, pause and remember what God has done for you.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
This Was Then.......This is Now
1 The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground. 2 "My lords," he said, "please turn aside to your servant's house. You can wash your feet and spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning."
"No," they answered, "we will spend the night in the square."
3 But he insisted so strongly that they did go with him and entered his house. He prepared a meal for them, baking bread without yeast, and they ate. 4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them."
6 Lot went outside to meet them and shut the door behind him 7 and said, "No, my friends. Don't do this wicked thing. 8 Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don't do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof."
9 "Get out of our way," they replied. And they said, "This fellow came here as an alien, and now he wants to play the judge! We'll treat you worse than them." They kept bringing pressure on Lot and moved forward to break down the door. (1)
If you think this is just the Bible and an old tale, read further.
This is now......

Lesbians, condoms go wild in attack on Christian church
Making out at pulpit, shouting blasphemies in front of children
Posted: November 11, 2008
9:07 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Worshippers at a Bible-teaching church in Lansing, Mich., were stunned Sunday when members of a pro-homosexual, pro-anarchy organization named Bash Back interrupted their service to fling propaganda and condoms around the sanctuary, drape a profane banner from the balcony and feature two lesbians making out at the pulpit.
According to a blog posting by Nick De Leeuw on Right Michigan, the Bash Back organization orchestrated a protest in front of Mount Hope Church to draw the church's security staff away from the sanctuary.
Then Bash Backers who had dressed up and mixed in with church worshippers took action.
According to De Leeuw, "Prayer had just finished when men and women stood up in pockets across the congregation, on the main floor and in the balcony.
"'Jesus was gay,' they shouted among other profanities and blasphemies as they rushed the stage. Some forced their way through rows of women and kids to try to hang a profane banner from the balcony while others began tossing fliers into the air. Two women made their way to the pulpit and began to kiss," he wrote.
He cited the Bash Back organization's own announcement of other items members brought into the church, including "a megaphone, noise makers, condoms, glitter by the bucket load, confetti, pink fabric. ..."
According to the alternative Lansing City Pulse – which reported it was notified of the protest ahead of time and sent a reporter along instead of warning the church – the protesters also screamed at parishioners and pulled the church facility's fire alarm. Printed material protesters distributed said, "We specialize in confronting homophobia, transphobia and every and all other forms of oppression."
The report said Bash Back issued a statement today confirming it targeted Mount Hope, which has about 5,000 church participants, because it participates in "the repression of queers."
On the newspaper's forum page, a contributor commented, "Homosexuals and anarchists. A perfect combination of human beings with no hope, no morals, no future."
Many demonstrators fled and the rest were quiet after sheriff's officers were summoned.
"Mount Hope churchgoers were unclear as to what the purpose of the demonstration was," said a statement from David Williams, a spokesman for the church.
"The leadership of Mount Hope Church does not attempt to identify the church as anti-homosexual, anti-choice, or right wing. The church does take the Bible at face value and believes what the Bible says to be the truth," Williams' statement continued.
"According to the Bible, Mount Hope Church believes homosexuality to be a sin, just as fornication, stealing, drunkenness, and lying are sins. No sin greater than the next. Mount Hope Church strives to follow Jesus' example of loving the sinner but not the sin while helping people change their lives for God's glory and their improved quality of life. Mount Hope Church also recognizes that to each person God grants freewill."
The church then offered help for people "caught up in unwanted sexual sin, drug abuse, and many other areas."
De Leeuw reported "the 'open minded' and 'tolerant' liberals ran down the aisles and across the pews, hoping against hope to catch a 'right winger' on tape daring to push back (none did).
"This is what we're up against," De Leeuw wrote. "Amidst worshiping congregants and following unifying prayers that our president-elect be granted wisdom as he prepares to lead our nation through difficult global, social and economic challenges, the Michigan left declared open war on peaceful churchgoers.
"Mount Hope, for the record, is an evangelical, Bible believing church whose members provide free 24-hour counseling, prayer lines, catastrophic care for families dealing with medical emergencies, support groups for men, women and children dealing with a wide variety of life's troubles, crisis intervention, marriage ministries, regular, organized volunteer work in and around the city, missions in dozens of countries across the globe, a construction ministry that has built over 100 churches, schools, orphanages and other projects all over the world and an in-depth prison ministry that reaches out, touches and helps the men and women the rest of society fears the most. They also teach respect for all human life and the Biblical sanctity of marriage as an institution between one man and one woman," De Leeuw wrote.
"The church's response? After things settled down, the blasphemy ended, the lewd props removed and the families safe from fear of additional men and women running into and past them the pastor took the stage and led the congregation in one more prayer ... not for retribution, or divine justice or a celestial comeuppance (that's what I'd have prayed for) but instead that the troubled individuals who'd just defiled the Lord's house, so full of anger and hate, would know Jesus' love in their lives and God's peace that exceeds human understanding," De Leeuw wrote.
His blog attracted dozens of comments, including one that said it was just as well the protesters hadn't picked his church.
"It was well within the church members' rights to respond with non-lethal force to put an immediate end to this assault. It this happened in my house, I'd have every right to throw someone out a window or two."
In a statement posted on the Internet, Bash Back confirmed its "operatives" were in the service, "stood up, declared themselves fags, and began screaming loudly. … Another group threw over a thousand fliers to the entire … congregation. The fire alarm was pulled. Queers began making out in front of the pastor. And within a matter of minutes, everyone had evaded the guards and made their escapes."
The statement continued, "Let is be known: So long as bigots kill us in the streets, this pack of wolves will continue to BASH BACK!"
The report comes just a day after video documentation of pro-homosexual protesters in California challenging a 69-year-old woman to a fight because she was affirming the biblical perspective of homosexuality.
"This screaming and shouting, name-calling and pushing by homosexual activists is not unlike a small child throwing a fit because he doesn't get his way," said Randy Thomasson, chief of the Campaign for Children and Families, a leading California-based pro-family group. "The public is getting a clue that homosexual activists don't like democracy and are willing to trample anyone and anything that gets in their way."
California voters by nearly 53 percent to 47 percent last week adopted a state constitutional amendment limiting marriage to one man and one woman.
Gary Glenn, president of the American Family Association of Michigan and co-author of the Marriage Protection Amendment approved by Michigan voters in 2004, condemned the homosexual activist group's intimidation tactics.
"We will alert churches statewide of this now close-to-home threat of disruption of their members' freedom to worship in peace and safety," Glenn said, "but this is not the first time in history Christians have faced persecution or threats of reprisal for standing for their faith and values."
He predicted Americans, "particularly people of strong religious faith, are not cowards" and would not "be bullied by emotional adolescents who disrespect private property, the rule of law, and anyone who dares hold opinions diverse from their own."
"We will pray for and offer help to those who have gender identity and same-sex attraction disorders, but Americans will continue to reject their attempts to overturn the will of the people and impose their disorders on our children and society at large," he said.
Glenn said AFA-Michigan will join the Catholic League in urging Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox to investigate the organized violation of the church's private property rights and the group's threat of future disruptions of worship services.
Catholic League president Bill Donohue today issued a statement condemning the group's actions and accusing the news media of failing to report it with the same intensity they routinely do complaints by homosexual activist groups.(2)
So as you can see, we as Christians are in a spiritual war. Gird up and get ready, at some point you will have to take stand.
(2) World Net Daily
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
It Will Be Alright
It has been a while since my last letter. Not for any particular reason, it's just that over the last year we have spent a lot of time together so I hadn't felt the need.
I know that this past election cycle has caused many, including you, some concern. That concern shows you are growing and maturing, at least in some areas. Ha! Yes, there are some things that many people don't like about our new incoming president. I know he is for killing babies. I know he is for re-defining marriage and family, and a host of other things that we cannot agree with. But, no matter, he will still be our next president.
So, what are we to do? Well, let's see if we can come up with a thing or two.
- Pray earnestly for him by name. Pray that God will protect him from harm and illness.
- Pray for his family.
- Pray for his adviser's.
- Pray that the decisions he makes are bathed in his own prayer. (assuming he is Christian as he states)
All these new things are a little scary aren't they? And they scare all of us to some degree. We can never know for sure how a person will govern the people in his charge. Israel, God's chosen, had bad kings. They led or allowed their people to worship idols and false gods and God dealt with them justly and then showed his compassion.
I wish I could assure you that things will be as they are now, but I can't do that. I can promise you that whatever we are called to go through that we will be better on the other side of it. As I look at where the gospel is spreading the most, I see it growing and flourishing in places where it is most persecuted. There are countries like China where the underground church is far bigger and stronger than their government will ever be able to know. Even Christianity itself was spread faster and farther because of the persecution brought on it in the early stages.
I told you that our pastor taught from Habakkuk last Sunday night. Chapter 2 v. 1 "I will stand on my guard post and station myself on the rampart; And I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me, and how I may reply when I am reproved" (answers me). Guard your heart and your home with the Word of God and respond as he answers. And while you are standing guard, v. 20 gives us one other instruction; "But the Lord is in His holy temple(Heaven)" ... I might add that He is still on the throne as well.
Things just might get hard, then they may not change much at all, but, "For the Lord is righteous; He loves righteousness; the upright(those that follow Him) will see his face." Psalm 11:7 NAS. What a promise for us. We accept his righteousness as the payment for our sin, we follow Him and His teachings, things turn out in the end and in His time.
So don't worry. As you know very well, God is in control of every event and He knows in advance what our needs will be. All we have to do is ask for it. Sleep soundly tonight knowing our futures are in the only hands that matter.
Your Dad
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Life Is Hard.......But God Is Good
This very moment many in America are suffering. They are facing incredible hardships in life. Job loss, foreclosures, family disintegration, war separation, financial distress, and the list could go on and on. It is very safe to say that many are looking for the next president to solve their woes. As has been for over 40 years, many are looking for the government to open the storehouse doors, and pour out blessings (money) on to us to save us from being so dumb.
I have to question if there is any validity to that effort. When the well runs dry, where are you then? Hopeless? You most likely are if you hope is in the government or a man! But from experience, I don't question the goodness and generosity of God.
I have been where so many find themselves today. I have been jobless. I have been afraid. I have wondered how I was going to feed my family, pay the house note and pay the utility bills. Let alone a car note and other expenses. I have felt so low that I felt I would have to climb up to see the bottom of a rut in the road. I couldn't get my bearings and I didn't know which direction to turn. But then, as He has done countless times for countless people, God stepped in and stepped up! He started meeting my families needs one by one. Then the next one, and the next. Did I deserve his generosity? No, except that I am His child and His promise is to take care of my needs. He chose to show His greatness to me over and over again.
This is not prosperity gospel. I don't subscribe to the notion that because I am a Christian, there won't be problems in my life. God did these things, I believe, so I would have a story to share with someone, anyone, that may be going through what I experienced. He has allowed me to tell of his faithfulness and I do so gladly.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Moved On
What a morning! It is the coolest morning of the new fall season. It finally feels like fall and I couldn’t be happier.
Historical figure? No doubt. The president we need? No, No Absolutely Not!
The only way to avoid this is to vote!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
When Things Aren't Normal
How many times have you had your plans changed? Plans that changed not of your desires but because of circumstances. Well, we have had a week like that. Like most we went to bed Sunday night only to wake up with our son complaining of nausea. I sent him back to bed and his mom called his work to let them know he wouldn't be in. Tuesday still sick. Wednesday still sick and a trip to a new doctor because ours has been sick and out of his practice. Wednesday afternoon in the hospital after finding that he was dehydrated. Thursday test and no clear picture of what was wrong. Hoping to go home Friday, but one more test. Test came back positive as gall stones. Saturday afternoon in surgery to remove gall bladder. That is where we are now.
While I am typing this, I am waiting for a call letting us know how things are going down there. Jay went in nervous, understandably. But some medicine can work wonders with the nerves and that is OK. But the calming for us has been God's Spirit over us. He has given us many promises that He will take care of us when things aren't normal. Although not worried, I am concerned and pray that things go according to plan and I am confident that they will.
The first call just came and the surgery has begun and things are going well.
I am wondering how people handle these things without God's love in their lives. Do they just hope that things are going to be okay? If that is their approach where is their hope placed? Do they depend on luck for the outcome? Is their approach Ca Serra Serra(what ever will be will be)? I have been a Christian since I was 6, so I cannot relate to that way of being. I cannot remember not having Christ to lean on in all my growing to maturity. Sometimes I lost my way but He was right there when I figured out he was my hope.
So as I sit here waiting for the next call, I remember that I ran into some very longtime friends of my family in the hallway of the hospital. Wife/Momma was in the hospital very sick. This morning I read that she passed away last night. I know they are in deep hurt but I also know where their hope is. Pray as they adjust.
Well, the Dr. just left and said everything went as according to plan and he should be back in the room in a few minutes. So, our weekend wasn't what we had hoped to do but, God was in control as he always is and he made provision for what was about to happen.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
In her latest blog entries, Julie has told us about the weakness of Magdalena's heart. There have been many decisions to make in regards to her health and daily care. Some have been just down right tough. Julie has acknowledged many times that she knows that she and Noah have a God determined time with their little girl, but one comment today struck me. Julie wrote, "For a little bit of time I forgot she was sick, and I really began to think that she had become one of the less than 5% of T18 babies that make it to their first birthday. However, the cardiologist appointment has brought us back to the reality of how weak her heart is, and although I want her as long as possible I am praying that God will grant her comfort before my selfishness."
I am sitting here now rolling that last phrase over and over in my head, "...her comfort before my selfishness". I know she doesn't make that statement lightly, but it is the statement that comes from the heart of a mother that loves her daughter more than life itself.
I think that is what I was trying to get across in my last post. The harm done to children like, murder, abortion, sexual abuse, physical abuse, divorce, abduction, all are born from a heart of selfishness.
We don't want to, we cannot, we will not, let this little life change us or our lifestyle, but change us it will. Jesus placed importance on the lives of children. He showed us that they have value not only to Him and the Kingdom of God, but to us (society) as well. In the Old Testament, God instructs us to teach our children his ways so that our grandchildren and the generations to follow will ascribe to his teachings and ways. Here is where we have failed and are reaping the generations that are easily swayed to accept contrary teachings.
Months ago, Noah and Julie were faced with a decision. The diagnosis of T18 by medical calculations, is certain death. It is not a matter of if but when. Wouldn't it have been easier for them if Magdalena had not beaten the odds and never had been born? Could they have decided to terminate the pregnancy, based on medical facts, been able to justify the termination to themselves and to others? Sure. Some would have said that carrying the baby to term was an act of selfishness, but they resolved, and rightly so, to believe that this precious little life is not what they created but was God's creation and is perfect in his sight and his purpose.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Why The Children?
I look at the countless pictures of little girls and boys, such as Madelene and Caylee. Their precious innocence and life are in the balance or maybe even lost. I look at the picture of my own grandson and just cringe at the thought that someone would even think to bring harm against his little life. And then, I go beyond disbelief to anger.
In Malachi 5-6,(NIV) God says that he will send the prophet Elijah, "before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes". In v6 it says, "He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the heart of their children to their fathers". And then He issues a warning,"... or else I will come and strike the land with a curse". I know this warning was for Israel, but if God would deal with Israel in this way, and he is a just God, will he not have to deal with us in the same way?
Right now, this very moment, we are sitting on the cusp of that curse. I can not believe that God will continue to withhold his judgment. In just a few days we will go to the polls and elect a new president. One, in his own words, says 'It is above my pay grade" to know whether abortion should be legal. The other is not only strongly pro-life, but also has a running mate who put her actions where her mouth is. Each of will have to choose but I hope not blindly.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Our Republic
Here lately, I have been laughing out loud at comments made on various web sites. Sometimes I wonder if some of these folks ever went to school. I even wonder what they must be teaching in school in the subjects of history and civics. I am amazed that they can twist fact into meaning what they want, when they want and when it best suits them.
I have to wonder what America will look like in just a few short years. Senator Phil Graham was recently ridiculed in the press for calling Americans "a nation of whiners". In reality, that is exactly what we have become. We have the greatest of all blessings here, but yet we have become obsessed with ourselves, our own individual feelings and best interest.
I grew up during the Cold War era and in that time, Russia, the former Soviet Union, said they would destroy America without firing a shot, from within. Look around, what does it look like to you?
Our "Christian Walk" looks more like a drag. A lot of us have to look in the table of contents in our Bibles to find the book of John or Luke, or Romans. We haven't and don't take a moment out of our day to teach the very basics of our faith to our children. So what has happened? We have lost our sense of right and wrong, good and evil.
Do you believe in Heaven and Hell? If so, how do you get to either? Is Jesus the only way? Can works get you there? I know everyone doesn't believe as I do, that the only way to heaven is by the blood atonement of Jesus Christ. But I believe these numbers from Barna show us a lot. In 2007, Barna reported there is tendency to believe that if you do enough good things then you will go to heaven. The results show that in 2007, 54% agree with that statement and 38% disagreed. Even though there has been a slight decrease since 1993 when 56% agreed with this statement, it still shows how we have fallen well short of teaching and convincing folks of the truth. Have they failed to listen or have we failed to speak? I hope it is the former.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
"Church In The Weeds"
Just two little boys walking down a dusty lane ....
They came upon this old white house...
with broken window panes
The paint was faded, the shine was gone...
the grass had grown so high....
still they made their little feet
go see what was inside.

They opened up the squeaky door
and then it came to light....
This must have been an old church house...
once upon a time.
Dirty, dusty wooden pews...
a pulpit that still stood...
A Bible laid upon it....
though the pages weren't too good.
An offering plate and song books too...
were lying on the floor.
They must have left this old church fast...
the day they closed these doors.
And over in the corner...
a piano was still there.
it must have played a pretty tune..
but I guess nobody cared.
So little Bill looked up at Tommy..
and Tommy looked at Bill...
Why don't we clean this old church up,
and get these old pews filled?'
They took a rag and wiped the dust...
to try and make things shine..
And then they took the offering plate...
and put in it their last dime.
They took a broom and swept the floor...
and picked up broken glass....
They got it all so nice and neat...

and then they mowed the grass.
They lifted up the old church sign...
and stood it by a tree...
right down by that old dirt road
where every one could see.
They ran back home, to find Daddy gone
but their Momma was inside...
Just to find her hurt again...
where Daddy had made her cry.
'Don't cry Momma, wipe those tears,'
Little Bill and Tommy smiled...
'Cause we have a big surprise for you....
just down the road a mile.'
Hand in hand they tugged at her.
until they made her run....
'What is it Bill, Oh Tommy,
just what have you two kids done?'
And then they came upon the house...
once hidden by the weeds...
and there it stood a country church...
just like it used to be.
'But what is it, Mother? What's with your tears?
We thought this would bring you joy.'
'Yes, but hush kids now and listen close...
my two sweet precious boys.'
They both got quiet and stood real still...
for the words they heard so true....
was Daddy praying in the church...
with his head bowed on the pew.
'Forgive me Lord! Forgive me Lord!
though I'm not worthy of Your love...
shine down on this sinner man.
sweet Salvation from above.'
'For I've been out in the world, You know..
living my life all wrong...
until I came upon this church;
the place where I belong.'
'I never noticed it before...
all those times I passed it up..
I guess I wasn't looking, Lord...
or maybe I was drunk.'
'Bless oh Lord, yes, bless oh Lord...
the one who made me see..
this little church that used to hide...
behind all those tall weeds.'
And then he raised his head and stood...
with his hands high in the air. ..
to find two dirty, tear-faced boys...
with Momma standing there.
They ran up to him, hugged him tight...
as their tears fell on the floor.
'Don't worry kids, I'm not the Dad,
the one you've known before.'
Things are different for us now..
so keep on those pretty smiles...
and let's go gather people in...
to walk down these church aisles.'
Then Bill looked up at Tommy...
and Tommy looked at Bill...
'Come on brother, let's get to work...
to get these old pews filled.'
'For we need no special blessing...
for cleaning up this church...
'cause, God gave us back our Daddy...
and that's more than gold is worth.'
Sunday morning, pews all filled
and smiles on every face...
Especially two little country boys...
the ones who found this place.
Though it was hid back in the weeds...
and so far out of sight...
Nothing's ever hard to find
if you're walking toward God's light.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
What Would You Do?
What would you do if you knew beforehand the outcome of something God was telling you to do? Would you do it or not, as my grandson likes to say? Maybe it is something good and very easy to do with the probability that it will turn out good in the end. But what if were difficult and the outcome was in question?
Mr. Smith, a character in the TV show Jeremiah, supposedly hears from God and goes to wherever he is supposed to “to prophesy”. Now most of the characters don’t believe him, but some things he does tend to make you believe that he is a little more than mortal. In this episode, he tells a young woman she doesn’t need to make the trip they are taking knowing that her demise is at hand, but she goes anyway. Later he sees her and like most of us he is begging God to let him alone he doesn’t want to know. He is caught screaming that he doesn’t want to be the messenger anymore. Nearing the end of this plot he overhears this woman talking to the enemy and realizes that she was a spy. After her co-conspirator leaves the room, he confronts her and ends up having to shoot her to defend his own life. After she dies he says to God, “Now I know why you wouldn’t tell me the whole story” (the ending).
How many of us are like Mr. Smith? Could we do what God was asking us to do if we knew the end wasn't to our liking? No, I am not suggesting the God would use us to kill someone, but aren't we like Mr. Smith, wanting to be used only in good outcomes. Would missionaries go to some unreached people group if they knew they would not see the fruits of their labor? Would we reach out a helping hand to our neighbor or someone we don't know if we knew that person was going to take advantage of our kindness?
Our faith is one that acts with the belief that God is the one in control of the outcome. We are supposed to step out in faith that God knows better than us how to bring about the outcome he desires. Can our feelings get hurt? Sure they can. Could we be taken advantage of? You bet
Today's post is full of questions and I still have many more as I work through this teasing of the spiritual lobe of my brain.
The big question for today, Will I be a willing or unwilling messenger for God's purpose? Either way His desire and purpose will be accomplished.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
These last months have been different for me. I have found myself thinking a lot on the Lord, examining the things I do or don't do for him or with him. I have found myself coming up short in what I believe he wants of me. The real problem is I can't quite put my finger on just what he is dealing with me about. I am deeply moved by stories of God's faithfulness and wonder again just what is God stirring in me. I have an emptiness that seems to be growing, but not for the lack of his grace for that is abundant but for the looking for the purpose of all this in the first place. Soon I will know for he is always faithful.
While watching the rain fall this morning, I think back to just a couple of weeks ago and everything seemed to be just hanging on. We were having to water to keep things alive and now without our help this rain the last 2 weeks has brought brighter colors in the blooms and deeper greens in the grass and leaves. Kinda like our own lives, we seem to put the water on just to hang on, but when God is watering our lives we will bloom with brighter light and abundant blooms.
This week I began reading Jeremiah. Now don't laugh when I tell you what prompted me, a show on TV called Jeremiah. I have a study Bible so I read the bio in the front to put things in perspective before jumping in. Then I began reading. I believe this book will have a lot to say about us and where we are individually and as a country. There are already remarkable comparisons.
The family, Noah, Julie and Magdalena Roberts, are doing well as of yesterday. The IV has been removed again but a feeding tube had to be put in because little Magdalena was using to many calories sucking her bottle. Her ability to take nourishment has gone from 11cc to 28cc on Thursday. She is one week old as of Wednesday. If you would like to read about their journey so far go to
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Pray for Magdalena, Julie and Noah
I want you to keep Julie and Noah Roberts in your prayers. They are the couple that I have blogged about that just had the Trisomy 18 baby. The reports on Friday afternoon were not as encouraging as previous. Little Magdalena had to have her IV re-inserted because she was not digesting her food as well and they were afraid of dehydration. We went by to see them but could not because they had just received the news and were really upset. I think that the little miracles experienced have given them hope that she would beat the odds against her and this was a set back.
The insurance has approved for Julie to stay in the hospital until tomorrow, Sunday and we are thankful so she can be near Magdalena. (by the way the g is silent).
Be in a spirit of prayer for them that God will give the peace that only he can give. It is very easy to be brave and self-assured until that little baby is placed in your arms, then all the best of preparation can go right out the window.
Pray! Pray! Pray!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Letting God Do The God Thing Part 2
My daughter's friend, who is as much a part of our family as anyone that is non blood related could be, had her baby yesterday, August 6. Magdelena weighs in at 3lbs and 15ozs and 18" long. If any of you read the first installment then you know the odds that were against this little baby ever seeing the light of day and if you didn't click on the link(same title) above and read it. I would like to point out a miracle or two.
- Magdelena lived to be born
- After her birth she began breathing on her own. A feat not expected.
- There was concern that her kidneys would not be working, but, she is passing fluids and dirtying her diaper.
- She was given a pacifier to see she could suck and she did. At 5:30 this morning, her mother was able to feed her a bottle. On many occasions they cannot do this and are fed with a syringe and a tube inserted into their stomach.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Way God Works
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Job Well Done
For those of you that subscribe by email, I am not sure if this video will email so if you want to see it click on here to see video.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
In A Crash....Help In A Flash
Of course, the lawyer was advertising for folks injured in a car crash, but life in general can be just as destructive as any car accident. None of us can deny that we are living in a perilous economic time. Major and minor corporations are laying folks off by the thousand's. And what about the gas prices. Anyone saying I'll pay more to go to work? I didn't think so! Life is hard and most of us, if we live long enough and are honest, will come face to face with a personal crash of some kind or the other. It might be the death of a child or some other family member or dear friend. Maybe your marriage is failing. Maybe your spouse is being sent into a war zone. Who knows what any of us will go through? It's how we face that crisis, that hick up in our lives, that matters most of all.
About 25 years ago, I began working, but no longer do, in the emergency medical field. Where I lived it wasn't easy finding work, so I trained as an Emergency Medical Technician. Let me tell you, a thick skin and a strong faith are absolutely necessary to survive that profession. Most times I interacted with people at the very worst possible moment in their lives. From loosing a baby through mis-carriage to heart attacks, strokes and everything in between, and those affected never reacted the same way. Their reactions were as different as their personalties and cultural upbringing.
So what do we do when the worst thing that could happen actually happens? Well, as indicated above, some turn to the lawyers to heal their pain. For some, suing the offending party, seems to work. But I will argue that for most it is only superficial. Some look to the politicians to make laws or provide programs to change the way things are done. Do these work? Sometimes at best, but rarely are they helpful. But the Word of God, the Bible, is a place for solitude and comfort that works and works and works and heals much deeper and last much longer than any of us can possibly imagine.
Since I could never say it any better than God's word, I will leave you with portions of Psalm 91:
V. 2: "I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I will trust."
v. 4: " He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge."
And in Vs 14-16 the Lord makes this promise to David and because we are the Lord's, to us as well. " Because he loves me, says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. he will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation."
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I am sitting here staring at the cursor blinking wondering where to begin, because I have a lot I could write but really don't want to bore you to death. I called my dad this morning to wish him a happy father's day. I have to call early because he would have soon been out the door and down to the church where he pastor's to begin his usually busy Sunday. And I guess that is what describes him best.
Being a pastor is who he is as well as what he does. I will try to better define that for you. A few years ago at 65 he retired. (ha!) Soon after, he went part time as an associational director, but it wasn't long he was back at the church he had retired from as an interim while they looked for a new pastor. Well that interim turned into coming out of retirement and back to pastoring. Before he committed for the second time, I believe I asked him why he would consider going back. He answered this way, "I miss taking care of people." So there you have it. That is his heart and his passion. I really believe that he will prefer that his last sermon would be while giving it. It might be a little traumatic for those in attendance, but that is the way he would like it.
The example he has lived before us has been to love God, your family, and live a life that will bring glory to God. He led us all to the saving power of Jesus and baptized most of his 4 children and some of his grandchildren. He was a firm disciplinarian and a strong provider. I cannot remember ever being hungry and we always had Christmas gifts. Later in life, I found out several years after I left home that he borrowed money to make sure we had gifts under the tree. He has loved us, prayed for us, and cried for us and with us and sometimes we didn't know it. He doesn't offer advice unless asked for. He made sure we had it better than he did growing up. We learned a strong work ethic because he insisted that we have summer jobs, whether hauling hay for a farmer or working in a shoe store in town.
My dad is aging now and he won't win the New York marathon, but he will win at the marathon of life. When God calls him home he will leave behind a legacy to be revered and copied.
Here's to you Dad. I hope you had a great day!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Church
If you are reading this as a Christian, then you know that the church is not a group of buildings, but is the body of believers that have banded together to worship and to re-charge the batteries. It is also that body going out from the building into the community to use the knowledge in the head moved to the heart to show God's love and compassion to everyone.
As I sat and listened to 3 of the former pastors speak Friday night, they spoke of the commitment of the church members to do the things necessary to make sure that when people were in need there was someone there to help. My mind was taken back to a time that compassion and God's love was poured out on my family. I have told this story many times because it is representative of what we all should be about. Now I will take time to share that with you.
Back in 1992 I lost my job. It was sudden and we were not completely prepared for such an occurrence. To make a long story as short as possible, these are the events that occurred:
- An older couple called and wanted a list of what our children wanted for Christmas. She bought nearly everything.
- Checks came in the mail from people we didn't even think knew us. For 6 months we never missed a bill or meal.
That is the "Church". That is Morrison Heights Baptist Church in Clinton, MS. I have been gone about 12 years now serving a church as a music director. I have carried with me those un-forgettable events and will for a lifetime.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
I have been around people all of my life that were made from the same stock. Their word is their bond and you can take what they say to the bank. Now we will be watching two men vie to become the next President of the United States. If not for you, for me, character will be a big deal. I don't expect either to be perfect or believe exactly as I do, but I am looking for that word or action or the little undetectable (by some) element that will say this is a man of character.
There is a stark difference between the two men. You will have to pay close attention to find who is of the greatest character because the media will build one up. They won't disclose all of the important little differences that will help you choose one over the other. Don't choose based on endorsements or hoopla. Listen carefully and choose wisely, the future of our nation rest upon your choice.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Never Give Up
You may remember that I blogged about them some time ago. They are having a baby with trisomy 18. You can keep up better if you go here
Saturday, May 10, 2008
My Mama
But let me tell you about my mom. I should be able to tell you lots because after all I have known her all my life. My mom is a great cook! I know we all say that but she really is. Maybe her generation is the last to take their time when preparing a meal. Growing up we had 3 squares a day. She got up early started the cooking before she ever called us to get up. While cooking our breakfast she oversaw our getting ready for school and trying her best to make sure we didn't miss the bus (no, I didn't walk up hill both ways in the snow barefoot). Since I have 3 siblings, mom spent a great deal of time breaking up fights. When pleading didn't work, the tears would. No one wants to see their mom cry, even if they caused it. And if that didn't work, well, you know.
I could go on and on but some of you would be bored or maybe even upset because your life was not like mine. My mom was not perfect, but modeled perfection in front of us. She gives her love unconditionally even today. That love goes beyond the walls of her home. We all have married and that love has been extended to our spouses, our children, and recently our grandchildren. But that is not were it ends. She has been the perfect mate for my dad, who is a minister. Her caring for not only her family but for those men, women, and children of all ages in the church goes beyond explanation. Beyond explanation, except for the love of Christ in her life. That is the only way we can truly love those we really don't want to.
My mom is now in her seventies and often tells us what she wants sung and done at her funeral. Why she even sent all of us an email sometime ago. But as far as I know, and only God truly does, she still has many years with us yet. Yes, the joints ache, but she still presses on and smiles still come to her face, and for that we are all grateful.
I hope that you have the opportunity today to at the very least call your mom and wish her a happy mother's day. If yours is no longer here, I hope you have many memories to remind you of your mother's love.
So mom, thank you for your sacrifices through child birth, rearing, sicknesses, and all the other stuff that we hope you have forgotten about. May God grant us more time with you.
From me and my family, WE LOVE YOU!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
This And That
Last Sunday
Last Sunday I got to do something I don't get to do often. Because a severe storm blew through the area last week, the church I serve as music director didn't have power and we didn't have services and my wife and I went to an early service at another church and got home early and were able to relax.
I was told before my grandson was born that grandchildren were wonderful. Guess what? They are. Because my son-in-law is overseas this past year, I have had a lot of time with my grandson. As I sit with him and listen to him talk about things and watch him grow and play and figure stuff out, I think back to my own children and try to remember, only to remember that I was too busy making a living to listen and watch. He spent the night with us last night. One thing I have learned about him, if he is quiet you better go find out why. He usually is into something that makes a mess.
The Horn Won't Blow
Well, I have been driving the wife's car back and forth to work to try to cut down on gas expense. The other day I needed to blow the horn at a lamebrain that was about to pull out in front of me and nothing happened. I spent an hour or two last night trying and hoping that it was a fuse or relay. Nope. It needs a new horn I think. In most cases that is an easy fix but not on the Explorer. You got to take the battery out and the battery case to get to the horn. Nothing is ever easy.
At The Restaurant
Thursday night we went to a new restaurant here to try them out. The food was good. The grandson upchucked his supper in front of everybody, and to top the evening off when we went back to the truck I stepped on the stepbar and the back section fell off. I didn't have tool one to take off the front so I tied a load strap to it, pulled it up tight handed it to my wife closed the door and drove home. It made for a good laugh.
Back To The Chores
Well I guess I will quit this babble and get outside and see if I cant get through with all I need to do today. Hope you all have a great weekend and be careful.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Letting God Do The God Thing
Maybe you are like me and had no clue what this was. Her description was clear and to the point.
- 50% of all diagnosed children never make it full term.
- Of the 50% that do, only 50% of them live longer than 2 months.
- Of the children that live that long, only 2-5% live to their first birthday.
How is this affecting them? I can only imagine. But I like to think that they will handle things like this couple. Click the blue link to see their video.
I am asking you to pray for them as they walk through this journey;
- Pray that they know how to handle the questions. They are young and this is their first child and the baby is not due until August.
- Pray that they will accept God's will in their lives. I really believe that nothing happens by chance.
- Pray for her older sister who is expected to give birth in just a few weeks. Pray that she knows how to deal with sister.
- Pray that as strangers unknowingly quiz her about her baby, that she will have the right words in response.
Friday, March 28, 2008
You Need To Read This

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Old Feelings
I don't really know why I thought about that today, except maybe in the last couple of days military deaths in Iraq reached the 4000 mark. Sixty some odd Mississippians have died in the last five years. Their families buried 2 in the last 2 weeks. I don't know how each of these men and women felt going into harms way. Some appear to take it in stride others I know have to be very afraid. Knowing that, reminded me of my feelings back in the seventies. I remembered the fear I had of the possibility of being called to go to war. Sometimes, if I let it get to me, it would even be paralyzing. I never let anyone know my feelings for fear that I might be thought to be a coward. Fighting was not something I did very well even on the playground. I didn't know how I would have coped. Thankfully I never had to find out.
We don't have an active draft today, although I think that you still have to register. Our military today is all volunteer. They have chosen to be there. A lot, I think, never really thought we would again go to war. But, we have, and men and women are loosing their lives and are maimed in some way, some grossly. They face difficult situations differently. Some seem foolish because they face the dangers head on and somewhat recklessly. Others are more cautious. But they all face danger and it is real.
With all this said, we need to carefully consider who will be the new commander in chief. Two of the candidates seem to be concerned more about ending than winning. One has a mindset to win, then end. I lived through an ending with no winning attached. Our country has paid a price for that. We appear to be weak and that is dangerous. We can't afford that again. Our men and women deserve the very best leadership. Not flawless, but consistent leadership.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
What Does Your Church Preach
Recently a friend forwarded the old email telling that Obama is a Muslim. I don't know Obama so I cannot vouch for his religious leanings. But someone he sent this email to "replied to all" and wanted to bet that Obama is a "strong" Christian. He offered $1000 as a wager. I didn't take the wager but I did take the challenge. Can we tell what someone believes by the church he attends? In all honesty, NO! But, yes.
I will admit that I know very little if anything about the inner workings of African American churches. So, I will not disparage anything they may or may not preach. I do know in the south they are to perceived to be the havens for political activism without much true God fearing spiritual substance. Please note that I used the word perceived. With that said, what should anyone look for in selecting a church?
- One that the pastor preaches the infallible Word of God.
- One that nurtures the membership to grow more Christlike in their lives.
- One that actively evangelizes in the community.
- One that offers a sense of belonging
- One that offers opportunities of service to others that may have needs
- This list is not all inclusive.
One more word. I don't know what it is about this man, but something doesn't quite ring true. Maybe it is me, maybe not. I am praying that the Lord will reveal to me the right person for our next president. I hope you will too.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Star Power II

The last time I approached this subject, I left the impression that the Antichrist would ride in on a wave of popularity like no one has seen. And again, I am not in the least trying to leave an impression that Obama is the Antichrist. What I would like for you to see is the circus that has surrounded him and remember when the time is right this will be the same way for the appearance of the Antichrist. Then you will have some memory in the back of your head as you see it come to pass.
Being a native Mississippian, I watched with some interest as both candidates came here to woo us. The excitement level varied widely between the two. Clinton was a little more subdued and business like. Obama looked like he was the star quarterback of the local standout team. It felt more like a pep rally, which have lots of hype and no substance. The hype was so big that a county democratic committee ran out of ballots in a county that ordered triple the amount of ballots than in the last Presidential primary. Cross over to vote against Obama, or new voters?
This hoopla has really got me going. I just can't believe people are so gullible. A co-worker, who is some 15 years younger asked how it might have been with JFK. I don't know first hand because i was just a little kid, but I called my Dad and got his take. He said it was a lot like that then. JFK was Catholic, Obama has been accused of being Muslim, and the very least a member of a racist church. The south was against JFK because of his civil rights beliefs. Obama is big in the south because of civil rights association.
This may not be the last I will say on this subject, but come November we will need to put hype aside and think who will be the best to protect us. Some one is anti war or some one who won't pull the trigger as a jerk reaction but will if he has too.
Pray earnestly about your decision.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
In His Own Words
A lot of things have been said about Obama, some true, some speculative and I am sure there are some false statements as well, but what he says about himself should be of interest to all of us. For instance, a news article on One News Now, showed how he really feels on the gay rights issue. In his own words from his own blog site, "As your President, I will use the bully pulpit to urge states to treat same-sex couples with full equality in their family and adoption laws. I personally believe that civil unions represent the best way to secure that equal treatment. But I also believe that the federal government should not stand in the way of states that want to decide on their own how best to pursue equality for gay and lesbian couples — whether that means a domestic partnership, a civil union, or a civil marriage. Unlike Senator Clinton, I support the complete repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)– a position I have held since before arriving in the U.S. Senate. While some say we should repeal only part of the law, I believe we should get rid of that statute altogether. Federal law should not discriminate in any way against gay and lesbian couples, which is precisely what DOMA does. I have also called for us to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and I have worked to improve the Uniting American Families Act so we can afford same-sex couples the same rights and obligations as married couples in our immigration system.... I will never compromise on my commitment to equal rights for all LGBT Americans. But neither will I close my ears to the voices of those who still need to be convinced. That is the work we must do to move forward together. It is difficult. It is challenging. And it is necessary." Don't believe me, look here!
If Americans, who know that this is contrary to the majority, don't get up off the chair, and get to the polls and vote, this is exactly what we will get. Our inaction will result in getting just the leader we deserve. The nation of Israel did just the same thing. They begged Samuel for a king. Samuel appealed to the Lord and he said give them a king, but tell them just what they will be getting. 1 Samuel 8. Even though we are not getting a king, the next president will shape domestic and foreign policy, appoint judges, and may get to appoint Supreme Court Judges.
What do you want America to look like in 4 years?
© From the Rocking Chair: All rights reserved
quote taken from
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Gone To Be With Jesus
He suffered much criticism in the early years and was quoted as saying he had no interest in preaching to the redeemed. He and many that followed, provided those of us that were part of the "Jesus Revolution" a new song to sing instead of the hymns. Many of those songs became staples in the 70's. One of the songs that many may remember was in the very first "Sing and Celebrate" songbook that came out in the 70's, I wish we'd all been ready.
Life was filled with guns and wars and everyone got trampled on the floor
I wished we'd all been ready
Children died the days grew cold a piece of bread would buy a bag of gold
I wished we'd all been ready
There's no time to change your mind, the Son has come and you've been left behind.
Man and wife asleep in bed, she hears a noise and turns her head he's gone
I wish we'd all been ready
Two men walking up a hill, one disappears and one left standing still
I wish we'd all been ready
There's no time to change your mind, the Son has come and you've been left behind
Life was filled with guns and wars and everyone got trampled on the floor
I wished we'd all been ready
Children died the days grew cold a piece of bread would buy a bag of gold
I wished we'd all been ready
Children died the days grew cold a piece of bread would buy a bag of gold
I wished we'd all been ready
There's no time to change your mind, How could you have been so blind
The Father spoke the demons dined, the Son has come and you've been left behind.
In the words of a Janet Paschel song, "Another soldier's coming home".
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Star Power
Many movies and books have been produced and written on the end times. Billy Graham's movie section made one that I saw when just a boy. There have been others such as "Left Behind". All show the rise of the Anti-Christ as someone who is very likable, and a "brilliant leader". He will by all standards of human kind be a "STAR". I am not predicting or trying to put his attributes and personalities onto any one person today, but merely show through a rough comparison how easily, when the time is right, he will appear. On the other hand, it wouldn't take much of an effort to convince me that he has already been born and is waiting on his turn. But I am moving in the wrong direction.
All of us, at some point in life, has been wooed by the idea of becoming a "Star". Personally I have, from time to time, wanted to be a recoding artist. I wanted people to know me and like me for my music. But it wasn't to be and I learned a long time ago that those people are few and far between. I bet you, even, have taken a hairbrush or some other object, stood in front of the mirror, and pretended you were singing into a microphone. Come on, you know you have. We all would like to be admired. But when is it too much? When we appear to be worshiping, rather than admiring.
It seems, in the last few years, that we have become more "star entranced". We want to know who has done what and when. Are we setting the stage for our own demise? What could we possibly gain by knowing what they wear and drive and what they name their babies(which by the way I wouldn't name my dog some of those names). But, anyway, you know what I mean. Charisma seems to be the name of the game. If you have a certain type then you are on the way to the top.
The current political scene reminds me a lot of what it will be like on the day the Antichrist appears onto the scene. In particular, the current media enchantment and the rallies and speeches of Obama give me pause. He presents himself as an element of change. The savior of our country with his ideas. Only I am not sure what his ideas are. This scene is much like the day the Antichrist comes.
Our world, not only our country, will be in chaos. Hmmm, seems to be now. A threat of nuclear destruction will be seen. Hmm.... Economical problems will exist. There will governments on the verge of collapse. And then... Bishop Mileot wrote this,"What will be the secret of the Antichrist's persuasive power and his ability to direct world events? We can envision him as a gifted and inflammatory orator, like Lenin or Hitler (I might add Obama). His ideas and propositions will be readily accepted because they will express the thoughts and feelings of the masses of his materialistic epoch." You see there is a danger to worshiping a man, any man.
Even Peter found himself in this position upon meeting Cornelius. Cornelius filled with awe in meeting the one who brought the message of salvation, fell at Peter's feet. But Peter quickly rebuked Cornelius, and by grabbing his arm quickly picked him up and said, "...Stand up...I am only a man myself." Acts 10:26 NIV Today we are but too eager to accept the praise and worship of those around us. Look at the TV. There are churches with mega congregations. Why? I might suggest, man worship not God worship.
© From the Rocking Chair: All rights reserved
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Back To Work
You see on Christmas Eve we were talking with my son-in-law on the webcam. While we were talking I made the statement I had to go check on the temp. of the oil. He asked, "You aren't frying a turkey are you"? I promised him when he came home I would cook one for him. He came home on furlough last Saturday and today is the day I keep that promise, sort of. I am only frying a breast, but that is because we wouldn't be able to eat a whole turkey in one sitting. He has been home for a week and will have to go back sometime this week. We are now on the down hill side of his active duty and he will home for good soon. We will miss him.
An old saying comes to mind, "Don't wish you life away", and I agree with that except in some situations. His deployment has caused us to wish the year to go by quickly so he can be home safe and sound. Some would say that we aren't trusting God's providence enough and that may well be true, we just want him home.
Today when you ask God to bless your food, thank him for the military service personnel that provide us with the security to sit at our tables in safety.
Have a great Sunday!
Oh, the oil is ready!!!!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Hodge Podge
If you think that the election cycle for President has become way too long, raise you hands. Okay, you can all put them down now.
I am not sure when it changed, but I know I grow weary of the ever persistent media coverage. And what about those who are now holding elective office, are they meeting the demands of the job they already have? Probably not! And when you are elected President, you get to serve the office 100% for the first two years then you are out again trying to keep it. History has shown that sitting senators are less likely to win the office of president. By most accounts that is exactly what will happen this time.
For the first time in many years I really enjoyed watching the Super Bowl. Good game! Great commercials! Sorry halftime! If found looking at my son-in-law’s pictures of overseas more fun (he is home on furlough). Speaking of halftime, I can’t remember a single one that was worth the time it took to watch. So, I usually don’t pay much attention. I remember when they used to put drum and bugle corps and the Marine Silent Drill Team and such. That was more entertaining to me.
Did you know that yesterday it was important for me to know how Danny-Lynn (who is an infant by the way) reacted when what’s his name took her to her mother’s grave? I didn’t either!
As you can tell, I kinda have a writers block today. Well, I really shouldn't even be writing this I am work.