Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What Does Your Church Preach

As for me and my church, we preach the word of the Lord God Almighty.

Recently a friend forwarded the old email telling that Obama is a Muslim. I don't know Obama so I cannot vouch for his religious leanings. But someone he sent this email to "replied to all" and wanted to bet that Obama is a "strong" Christian. He offered $1000 as a wager. I didn't take the wager but I did take the challenge. Can we tell what someone believes by the church he attends? In all honesty, NO! But, yes.

I will admit that I know very little if anything about the inner workings of African American churches. So, I will not disparage anything they may or may not preach. I do know in the south they are to perceived to be the havens for political activism without much true God fearing spiritual substance. Please note that I used the word perceived. With that said, what should anyone look for in selecting a church?
  • One that the pastor preaches the infallible Word of God.
  • One that nurtures the membership to grow more Christlike in their lives.
  • One that actively evangelizes in the community.
  • One that offers a sense of belonging
  • One that offers opportunities of service to others that may have needs
  • This list is not all inclusive.
Obama said he wasn't there when the much reported racist message was preached. If his church was like churches that I know it would not take long (a few hours) for the membership to have heard about it, assuming it was not your normal every Sunday sermon. How he could not know I can't explain. The excuses I heard pointed mostly "You don't understand how a black church works". Lame excuse.

One more word. I don't know what it is about this man, but something doesn't quite ring true. Maybe it is me, maybe not. I am praying that the Lord will reveal to me the right person for our next president. I hope you will too.

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