The last time I approached this subject, I left the impression that the Antichrist would ride in on a wave of popularity like no one has seen. And again, I am not in the least trying to leave an impression that Obama is the Antichrist. What I would like for you to see is the circus that has surrounded him and remember when the time is right this will be the same way for the appearance of the Antichrist. Then you will have some memory in the back of your head as you see it come to pass.
Being a native Mississippian, I watched with some interest as both candidates came here to woo us. The excitement level varied widely between the two. Clinton was a little more subdued and business like. Obama looked like he was the star quarterback of the local standout team. It felt more like a pep rally, which have lots of hype and no substance. The hype was so big that a county democratic committee ran out of ballots in a county that ordered triple the amount of ballots than in the last Presidential primary. Cross over to vote against Obama, or new voters?
This hoopla has really got me going. I just can't believe people are so gullible. A co-worker, who is some 15 years younger asked how it might have been with JFK. I don't know first hand because i was just a little kid, but I called my Dad and got his take. He said it was a lot like that then. JFK was Catholic, Obama has been accused of being Muslim, and the very least a member of a racist church. The south was against JFK because of his civil rights beliefs. Obama is big in the south because of civil rights association.
This may not be the last I will say on this subject, but come November we will need to put hype aside and think who will be the best to protect us. Some one is anti war or some one who won't pull the trigger as a jerk reaction but will if he has too.
Pray earnestly about your decision.
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