About The Rocker

Some time ago I begin to think how I might have an effect on the world outside my four walls and the walls of my church. My internet provider gave some website space and I began that way and got a comment one day that I might to like to blog. At that time I had never heard of a blog but began investigating.

My first blog was called "Token Christian". I came up with that name after hearing a news report about a person being hired and called a "Token". Someone who was hired because of the ethnicity rather than their skill, supposedly. I began thinking about our lives as Christians and how we play, me included, with our "walk" with the Lord. I put that in quotes because we don't mostly walk with the Lord we just talk about walking.

I then began to think I might have other views that didn't really relate to that topic so I began another one. This one.

I know that my views are not the same as everyone that reads this, but you can take it or leave it. I am providing my thoughts and hope that they spark thought and debate in every life or between each other.

I have always wanted comments and appreciate everyone and read them all. Sometimes I even respond.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope that you leave with some kind of "Hmmmm" in your life.

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