Saturday, April 12, 2008

This And That

I am having another time of writer's block and find myself short on ideas and words, so this may be a jumbled mess of nothing to do with anything.

Last Sunday
Last Sunday I got to do something I don't get to do often. Because a severe storm blew through the area last week, the church I serve as music director didn't have power and we didn't have services and my wife and I went to an early service at another church and got home early and were able to relax.

I was told before my grandson was born that grandchildren were wonderful. Guess what? They are. Because my son-in-law is overseas this past year, I have had a lot of time with my grandson. As I sit with him and listen to him talk about things and watch him grow and play and figure stuff out, I think back to my own children and try to remember, only to remember that I was too busy making a living to listen and watch. He spent the night with us last night. One thing I have learned about him, if he is quiet you better go find out why. He usually is into something that makes a mess.

The Horn Won't Blow
Well, I have been driving the wife's car back and forth to work to try to cut down on gas expense. The other day I needed to blow the horn at a lamebrain that was about to pull out in front of me and nothing happened. I spent an hour or two last night trying and hoping that it was a fuse or relay. Nope. It needs a new horn I think. In most cases that is an easy fix but not on the Explorer. You got to take the battery out and the battery case to get to the horn. Nothing is ever easy.

At The Restaurant
Thursday night we went to a new restaurant here to try them out. The food was good. The grandson upchucked his supper in front of everybody, and to top the evening off when we went back to the truck I stepped on the stepbar and the back section fell off. I didn't have tool one to take off the front so I tied a load strap to it, pulled it up tight handed it to my wife closed the door and drove home. It made for a good laugh.

Back To The Chores
Well I guess I will quit this babble and get outside and see if I cant get through with all I need to do today. Hope you all have a great weekend and be careful.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Letting God Do The God Thing

Last week I received a copy of an email sent by one of my good friend's daughter. In that email she was updating friends and relatives on her sister's unborn child's condition. At the beginning she cut straight to the chase. Their unborn child had been diagnosed with Trisomy 18.

Maybe you are like me and had no clue what this was. Her description was clear and to the point.

  • 50% of all diagnosed children never make it full term.
  • Of the 50% that do, only 50% of them live longer than 2 months.
  • Of the children that live that long, only 2-5% live to their first birthday.
Secular wisdom would tell them that it wouldn't be fair to go through the entire pregnancy. Secular wisdom would say that you don't really want to subject the child to the pain it will feel after being born, or subject yourselves to the feelings of hopelessness after it is born. Secular wisdom could not be more wrong. Oh, I would consider their view although I could never follow their guidance. I have raised a mentally challenged child and though his condition pales in comparison, I could not fault them to consider those options as well. But, they have chosen, and I believe rightly so, to carry this child as long as God sees fit.

How is this affecting them? I can only imagine. But I like to think that they will handle things like this couple. Click the blue link to see their video.

I am asking you to pray for them as they walk through this journey;
  • Pray that they know how to handle the questions. They are young and this is their first child and the baby is not due until August.
  • Pray that they will accept God's will in their lives. I really believe that nothing happens by chance.
  • Pray for her older sister who is expected to give birth in just a few weeks. Pray that she knows how to deal with sister.
  • Pray that as strangers unknowingly quiz her about her baby, that she will have the right words in response.
Thank you for indulging me in this personal note. I have watched this young lady grow from a small child into adulthood right beside my own daughter. She has spent hours in my home and we have old video of the them and other friends as they played. My heart is hurting for them.