Thursday, January 31, 2008

No Do Overs!

Last year, a passage in scripture that I had read many times through the years, seem to jump out at me differently. I wondered how may this same story be written in todays style of language. I am no author, but here is my attempt.

He had a crippled leg. It hurt sometimes and the pain could get unbearable, but Jack kept going. He had no choice. He had been homeless for sometime and decent medical care wasn't available to him. There were open sores that ran the risk of infection. He had to live with getting just enough medical aid to get by. He had no home to go to, nowhere to lay his head. If he was lucky he could find an old box to keep the wind off but most times he just got cold. Tonight was no different than most nights. The streets were dark and cold and there were a few folk moving about. Most were like him.

He sat down, next to an old brick wall in a dark alley trying to remember some of his past. Hard as he tried, he couldn't remember what his children's faces looked like, but he had been gone so long. His wife, oh how he loved and missed her, but he just couldn't take the pressure of his old life anymore and then one day he just left. As far as he knew no one from his old life knew where he was or if he was even alive. "Just as well", Jack thought, "I am really not worth it anyway". "In the morning, oh if I could just make it to morning" was his last thought just before drifting off to sleep.

As the sun began to rise Jack woke to dogs licking at his sores and after pushing them away, he gathered the few belongings he had acquired and moved on. Chances are that tonight he would be in a different alley off a different street. The first task of the day was to find something to eat. A lot of mornings he would dumpster dive behind a restaurant, but not today. Today he found himself on the backside of a very large estate. His thought is that this dumpster would have primo scraps. There might even be a pretty good size piece of meat in there. He just hoped that he wasn't discovered before he had a chance to get some prime stuff. This wasn't his first visit to this plush neighborhood or, for that matter, this particular dumpster.

Today, Jack didn't go unnoticed. Looking out the office window of his home, Ted, the owner of this property, saw this ragged old man digging through his dumpster. He could only imagine what he could be looking for and it became clear as Jack began putting the scraps into his mouth and into his bag. Repulsed by the whole thing he turned back to his work leaving the old tattered man alone for now.

The weather report for tonight was not good. It was supposed to get cold, dangerously cold. Jack hoped he could find a warmer place to sleep tonight. Maybe the shelter? There he could get a hot meal, maybe even take a shower. If they just have room. He would have to hurry to get there.

Jack arrived at the shelter only to find that he arrived too late. The helpful folks there offered him a hot meal of soup and bread, which he accepted and thanked them for. After finishing this meal, he left to find the warmest place he could to hole up for the night. On into the morning it got real cold and Jack like some others didn't make it this time. It was just too cold for someone to be outside without the proper protection. This time when Jack awoke, there were no dogs licking his sores, there was no hunger and that old gimpy leg was like new. You see Jack was in heaven. Sometime back at one of the shelters, Jack had heard the gospel. He heard about Jesus' sacrifice for all of us so that we would no longer have to suffer in eternity as we had with our time on earth. He believed and trusted Jesus.

That same night Ted and his family was entertaining guest at their home. They moved to the family room after a delicious meal of lobster tail and all the trimmings. They moved closer to the fireplace. A roaring fire separated them from the cold night just outside their door. A little later Ted and his wife told their guest good night and prepared to lie down for a nights rest. Ted's bedroom was posh; big screen TV, king size poster bed, his and her walk in closets and bath areas. It is the good life. He has been rewarded for his hard work and long hours. He is at the top of his game and as he closes his eyes he is satisfied.

When Ted wakes up he finds himself in a different place. During the night Ted had massive stroke and died in his sleep. Ted had gone to church regularly most of his life. He heard the sacrifice that Jesus made over and over, but decided that it was OK for others but not for him. Not now anyway, maybe later. He was busy making the good life for himself and his family. Now Ted looks around, and to his horror sees only hideous evil and fire, all around. He cries out to God only to hear nothing but the wailing going on around him.

Out of desperation, Ted looks up and can't believe his eyes. He sees that tattered old homeless guy that would dig through the garbage behind his house. He seemed content and happy and at home where he was. Not Ted, he is being tormented. He remembers all those times that he sat through sermons and invitations to accept Jesus as his savior. He remembers what God's clear message had been about eternal and irreversible separation from him. He remembers saying no not now. He thinks almost out loud, "If I only knew then what I know now, this would be different." He then remembers. NO DO OVERS! His thoughts turn to his family. Are they going to join him in this God forsaken place? He shouts up to heaven, "please let Jack go back and tell my family where I am and how horrible this place is."

Ted knows that is not how this works. They, like Jack and himself, have all the evidence they need. They hear the sermons and the Sunday school lessons. It is repeated over and over. They, we, make this decision on our own. We won't get a do over, so we better get it right the first time.

Adapted from Luke 16:23-25

Friday, January 25, 2008

Life Choices

I am not sure where this post will lead in the end, so we will just have to see.

Much has been said this week on Christian radio programs about the anniversary of Roe Vs Wade. I am not sure of the secular media coverage, because I have avoided it lately like a plague. Tired of the never ending election coverage. Anyway, I must admit that Roe was decided when I knew very little, if anything, about what an abortion was. I was only a senior in high school and nothing like that was ever talked about around our house. It was always assumed if you "fathered" a child then you had a responsibility ahead of you. All other plans, were now changed with this possibility in focus. You made a choice, life changed, and you had to change.

Today, one of the hardest things for me to grasp is married couples electing to abort their babies. "In love couples" choosing to eliminate the results of their shared love. "The pregnancy was not planned", one of the most used excuses I have heard over the years. "We weren't ready for children", another popular excuse. I think a car wreck is unexpected and I sure would not be ready for it to occur, but I believe if I lived through it I would have to deal with the results.

Some are afraid that their baby will be handicapped in some way. Maybe so, it sure happened to my wife and I. We have a nearly 31 year old special needs adult. I won't say it has been peaches and cream because it hasn't and it isn't. But his is a life that touches people he is around and with him everyone is special. Four years later we had a second child, unplanned I might add. We were concerned about the possibilities we may have yet another special needs child. Had she not been born, we would have missed watching her grow into a terrific young adult and after marrying the love of her life giving us our precious grandson.

While watching the biography channel one evening, they were telling of the worst serial killer in US history. I am not sure who he was and don't really care, but I wonder if the distinction is accurate. It seems to me, since I consider conception the beginning of life, that abortionist are the worst serial killers. They seem to take the lives of the unborn without conscience, just like any murderer in any city, yet there are laws that protect them, if not encourage them to do so.

At my age, my life is over half spent. I didn't accomplish enough to be famous and have the paparazzi chasing after me, but my two children will be the legacy that I will leave behind. Their lives will be the testament that I lived. They will tell the story of what my life was to the children that follow. What will be the testimony of your life? Will there be anyone following you that will tell your story to generations to follow?

Most would be devastated by taking the life of another through accident or self defense. Our guilt would be overwhelming even though we could not help it. Even though we had no choice. So how do you live life when making the well thought out decision to destroy it. Choosing to eliminate the unborn life you have chosen to create through action.

Life is full of choices. Will you make the right ones?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Goodbye Tears

The following was first posted in July of '07. I hope you like reading it again

Dear Son:(We think of you that way even though you are our son-in-law)

The weeks of waiting for a specified leave date has finally come. The day that we all have dreaded will be here soon. Before you go I wanted you to know some things.

I have been watching you these last few weeks. The amount of love you have poured into living your life, dedicating every free moment to spend quality time with your wife and your son, has been amazing to watch. You've used every opportunity to let them know how much they mean to you, and how much you love them. I know that their well-being weighs heavily on your heart, and I won't tell you not to worry because that won't do much good. I will tell you that they will be just fine. Maybe not at first, but they soon will be able to function and will wait anxiously for the day they can wrap their arms around you and hold you close again.

You made a commitment to your family, to keep them safe from evil and you have kept it. Now you must take it one step further. The evil we all face on a daily basis is hard enough to try and keep at bay, but the world wide evil we all face now seeks to destroy every thing as we know it. It takes brave men like you to stand in the gap for the rest of us, to hold this evil away from our homes and our families. It takes men like you, men who think less of themselves and give freely for the benefit of their country and society as a whole. It takes men like you who have God as the strength they need in times as hard as these.

You are an honest man. One who can be trusted with the lives around you. You are a moral man. One who has the highest standards of faith as a part of his life. You are a man of integrity. One who keeps his word even if it the hardest thing in the world for you to do.

Now in just a few short days we will get together to send you and your fellow soldiers to a place we wish you didn't have to go. We will be there trying, but failing, to be brave. We will try to hold back the tears, but again we will fail. But as we cry the goodbye tears we will stand tall with pride, proud that you are the brave, honest, moral man of integrity that you are. Proud that you and many others like you are prepared to do what it takes to protect your family and your country from the evil men and women bent on destroying the world.

So go now. Be safe. Make good decisions and come home soon.

God's Speed!

To be or Not To be (on time that is)

I know, I know you don't have a clue about this but just wait a minute.

I come from a long line of sufferers of a not so popular ailment, "Chronic Ontimeness". Yea, I made that word up, but I don't know the right one so live with it. "Chronic Ontimeness" is defined as the habitual and uncontrollable urge to be on time or maybe even a little early to a planned event. When I was growing up they even taught this concept in school. Be late for a class and see what happens. Not on time for work? ... you get he idea. I agree that it takes some planning to be at an event when you are supposed to be there, but it isn't rocket science.

I patted myself on the back for years for being very good at being on time to all the events I attended. Then, I married someone suffering from "Chronic Tardiness". You know, they will absolutely never ever be anywhere for any reason on time. Let me go ahead and put in my disclaimer. I love my wife with all my heart and being and would lay down my life for her, but..... I cannot for the life of me understand why it is so hard to get somewhere on time. Early on, I asked why she wouldn't get somewhere on time, Her answer, "My mother said you should never be early because the host was most likely running behind and you would embarrass them." HUH? I wish I could tell you that I have been able to reprogram her but that wouldn't be the truth. I wish I could tell you that she changed just so we wouldn't argue about it. Nope! I wish I could tell you that time worked to my advantage. Not on your life! SHE IS WOMAN!

Those who suffer from "Chronic Tardiness" do not suffer alone. This disorder seems to have infected a whole slew of people and spreading at an epidemic rate. And not only women, shoot, men have bought into this. It has become fashionable, "chic". But what about the poor people that are sitting there ready to begin and not all have arrived. Oh, right!

Those of us who suffer from "Chronic Ontimeness" hold out little hope that a cure will be found for "Chronic Tardiness". We will continue to suffer the pains of this ill-mannered disease. Will we suffer in silence? Likely not, but suffer we will until that cure is found.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Lazy Saturday

Well, I have spent the morning trying to get up. My first step was to the den on the couch where I dozed for a few more minutes, then my daughter's lab wanted to go out. So, I am up again letting her go do whatever she does

Went back to the couch to doze some more and a few minutes later she is at the door barking to get back in. I can't imagine why, it is only 38 degrees outside. Shortly the grandson woke up hollering for Nana. Well, Nana was in bed not really knowing it was daylight outside, but not for long. I guess you figured out that we were babysitting and dog sitting last night. Well, I've given up and thought I would enter a useless post.

Tomorrow is my grandson's third birthday. Where have the years gone? It really does seem like yesterday that we waited all night for him to get here and now can't imagine what life was like without him around. There are days though that I try real hard. Lately he has had some issues with sharing his mom with us. He gets pretty ugly and then he gets in much trouble. But the last couple of days he has been the angel we all now he is. Hugging and kissing . Right now he and Nana are sitting behind me, in my space uninvited I might add, and he is playing with his leap frog and Nana is aggravating him and he is fussing at her.

This is a picture of he and his dad before dad left for his deployment back in July.

Well, I have been interrupted a dozen times in this short post so I am going to call it quits. Nana wants me to find some song with whip it in the lyrics. Don't know why(?) See Ya!