Went back to the couch to doze some more and a few minutes later she is at the door barking to get back in. I can't imagine why, it is only 38 degrees outside. Shortly the grandson woke up hollering for Nana. Well, Nana was in bed not really knowing it was daylight outside, but not for long. I guess you figured out that we were babysitting and dog sitting last night. Well, I've given up and thought I would enter a useless post.
Tomorrow is my grandson's third birthday. Where have the years gone? It really does seem like yesterday that we waited all night for him to get here and now can't imagine what life was like without him around. There are days though that I try real hard. Lately he has had some issues with sharing his mom with us. He gets pretty ugly and then he gets in much trouble. But the last couple of days he has been the angel we all now he is. Hugging and kissing . Right now he and Nana are sitting behind me, in my space uninvited I might add, and he is playing with his leap frog and Nana is aggravating him and he is fussing at her.

This is a picture of he and his dad before dad left for his deployment back in July.
Well, I have been interrupted a dozen times in this short post so I am going to call it quits. Nana wants me to find some song with whip it in the lyrics. Don't know why(?) See Ya!
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