Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"Church In The Weeds"

I don't usually pay much attention to forwards but this one caught my eye. It was also sent by a co-worker that doesn't send junk around. Thought you might like it I sure did.

Church In The Weeds
Just two little boys walking down a dusty lane ....
They came upon this old white house...
with broken window panes

The paint was faded, the shine was gone...
the grass had grown so high....
still they made their little feet
go see what was inside.

They opened up the squeaky door
and then it came to light....
This must have been an old church house...
once upon a time.

Dirty, dusty wooden pews...
a pulpit that still stood...
A Bible laid upon it....
though the pages weren't too good.

An offering plate and song books too...
were lying on the floor.
They must have left this old church fast...
the day they closed these doors.

And over in the corner...
a piano was still there.
it must have played a pretty tune..
but I guess nobody cared.

So little Bill looked up at Tommy..
and Tommy looked at Bill...
Why don't we clean this old church up,
and get these old pews filled?'

They took a rag and wiped the dust...
to try and make things shine..
And then they took the offering plate...
and put in it their last dime.

They took a broom and swept the floor...
and picked up broken glass....
They got it all so nice and neat...
and then they mowed the grass.

They lifted up the old church sign...
and stood it by a tree...
right down by that old dirt road
where every one could see.

They ran back home, to find Daddy gone
but their Momma was inside...
Just to find her hurt again...
where Daddy had made her cry.

'Don't cry Momma, wipe those tears,'
Little Bill and Tommy smiled...
'Cause we have a big surprise for you....
just down the road a mile.'

Hand in hand they tugged at her.
until they made her run....
'What is it Bill, Oh Tommy,
just what have you two kids done?'

And then they came upon the house...
once hidden by the weeds...
and there it stood a country church...
just like it used to be.

'But what is it, Mother? What's with your tears?
We thought this would bring you joy.'
'Yes, but hush kids now and listen close...
my two sweet precious boys.'

They both got quiet and stood real still...
for the words they heard so true....
was Daddy praying in the church...
with his head bowed on the pew.

'Forgive me Lord! Forgive me Lord!
though I'm not worthy of Your love...
shine down on this sinner man.
sweet Salvation from above.'

'For I've been out in the world, You know..
living my life all wrong...
until I came upon this church;
the place where I belong.'

'I never noticed it before...
all those times I passed it up..
I guess I wasn't looking, Lord...
or maybe I was drunk.'

'Bless oh Lord, yes, bless oh Lord...
the one who made me see..
this little church that used to hide...
behind all those tall weeds.'

And then he raised his head and stood...
with his hands high in the air. ..
to find two dirty, tear-faced boys...
with Momma standing there.

They ran up to him, hugged him tight...
as their tears fell on the floor.
'Don't worry kids, I'm not the Dad,
the one you've known before.'

Things are different for us now..
so keep on those pretty smiles...
and let's go gather people in...
to walk down these church aisles.'

Then Bill looked up at Tommy...
and Tommy looked at Bill...
'Come on brother, let's get to work...
to get these old pews filled.'

'For we need no special blessing...
for cleaning up this church...
'cause, God gave us back our Daddy...
and that's more than gold is worth.'

Sunday morning, pews all filled
and smiles on every face...
Especially two little country boys...
the ones who found this place.

Though it was hid back in the weeds...
and so far out of sight...
Nothing's ever hard to find
if you're walking toward God's light.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

What Would You Do?

What would you do if you knew beforehand the outcome of something God was telling you to do? Would you do it or not, as my grandson likes to say? Maybe it is something good and very easy to do with the probability that it will turn out good in the end. But what if were difficult and the outcome was in question?

Sometimes I get my brainteasers from the oddest of places. Maybe a billboard sign, a song, a radio or TV show or just from God’s small voice. But I get them, and I don’t always act on them or give them much more than a fleeting thought.

Mr. Smith, a character in the TV show Jeremiah, supposedly hears from God and goes to wherever he is supposed to “to prophesy”. Now most of the characters don’t believe him, but some things he does tend to make you believe that he is a little more than mortal. In this episode, he tells a young woman she doesn’t need to make the trip they are taking knowing that her demise is at hand, but she goes anyway. Later he sees her and like most of us he is begging God to let him alone he doesn’t want to know. He is caught screaming that he doesn’t want to be the messenger anymore. Nearing the end of this plot he overhears this woman talking to the enemy and realizes that she was a spy. After her co-conspirator leaves the room, he confronts her and ends up having to shoot her to defend his own life. After she dies he says to God, “Now I know why you wouldn’t tell me the whole story” (the ending).

How many of us are like Mr. Smith? Could we do what God was asking us to do if we knew the end wasn't to our liking? No, I am not suggesting the God would use us to kill someone, but aren't we like Mr. Smith, wanting to be used only in good outcomes. Would missionaries go to some unreached people group if they knew they would not see the fruits of their labor? Would we reach out a helping hand to our neighbor or someone we don't know if we knew that person was going to take advantage of our kindness?

Our faith is one that acts with the belief that God is the one in control of the outcome. We are supposed to step out in faith that God knows better than us how to bring about the outcome he desires. Can our feelings get hurt? Sure they can. Could we be taken advantage of? You bet

Today's post is full of questions and I still have many more as I work through this teasing of the spiritual lobe of my brain.

The big question for today, Will I be a willing or unwilling messenger for God's purpose? Either way His desire and purpose will be accomplished.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

What a contrast of this morning and the morning of my last post. Last it was a clear day and the air was cool, today it is raining and I am inside writing this.

These last months have been different for me. I have found myself thinking a lot on the Lord, examining the things I do or don't do for him or with him. I have found myself coming up short in what I believe he wants of me. The real problem is I can't quite put my finger on just what he is dealing with me about. I am deeply moved by stories of God's faithfulness and wonder again just what is God stirring in me. I have an emptiness that seems to be growing, but not for the lack of his grace for that is abundant but for the looking for the purpose of all this in the first place. Soon I will know for he is always faithful.

While watching the rain fall this morning, I think back to just a couple of weeks ago and everything seemed to be just hanging on. We were having to water to keep things alive and now without our help this rain the last 2 weeks has brought brighter colors in the blooms and deeper greens in the grass and leaves. Kinda like our own lives, we seem to put the water on just to hang on, but when God is watering our lives we will bloom with brighter light and abundant blooms.

This week I began reading Jeremiah. Now don't laugh when I tell you what prompted me, a show on TV called Jeremiah. I have a study Bible so I read the bio in the front to put things in perspective before jumping in. Then I began reading. I believe this book will have a lot to say about us and where we are individually and as a country. There are already remarkable comparisons.

The family, Noah, Julie and Magdalena Roberts, are doing well as of yesterday. The IV has been removed again but a feeding tube had to be put in because little Magdalena was using to many calories sucking her bottle. Her ability to take nourishment has gone from 11cc to 28cc on Thursday. She is one week old as of Wednesday. If you would like to read about their journey so far go to noahandjulieroberts.blogspot.com

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Pray for Magdalena, Julie and Noah

Finally a cool morning on a Saturday and I can just sit outside and do this for a few minutes. Hasn't been much going on. A few birds singing and AC units are running but other than that, oops, a siren now is blaring down the road.

I want you to keep Julie and Noah Roberts in your prayers. They are the couple that I have blogged about that just had the Trisomy 18 baby. The reports on Friday afternoon were not as encouraging as previous. Little Magdalena had to have her IV re-inserted because she was not digesting her food as well and they were afraid of dehydration. We went by to see them but could not because they had just received the news and were really upset. I think that the little miracles experienced have given them hope that she would beat the odds against her and this was a set back.

The insurance has approved for Julie to stay in the hospital until tomorrow, Sunday and we are thankful so she can be near Magdalena. (by the way the g is silent).

Be in a spirit of prayer for them that God will give the peace that only he can give. It is very easy to be brave and self-assured until that little baby is placed in your arms, then all the best of preparation can go right out the window.

Pray! Pray! Pray!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Letting God Do The God Thing Part 2

A few months ago I wrote a blog by the same title. I did not anticipate doing a part 2, but after the events of the last two days I thought that an update would be in order.

My daughter's friend, who is as much a part of our family as anyone that is non blood related could be, had her baby yesterday, August 6. Magdelena weighs in at 3lbs and 15ozs and 18" long. If any of you read the first installment then you know the odds that were against this little baby ever seeing the light of day and if you didn't click on the link(same title) above and read it. I would like to point out a miracle or two.
  1. Magdelena lived to be born
  2. After her birth she began breathing on her own. A feat not expected.
  3. There was concern that her kidneys would not be working, but, she is passing fluids and dirtying her diaper.
  4. She was given a pacifier to see she could suck and she did. At 5:30 this morning, her mother was able to feed her a bottle. On many occasions they cannot do this and are fed with a syringe and a tube inserted into their stomach.
I don't know what God has in store for these young parents but it is obvious that he is at work. They have no expectations beyond a day at a time. They have given over Magdelena's life to him and his purpose. Pray for them as they make plans to get to take her home and for wisdom to know what to do and for God's perfect peace if and when they need it.