Saturday, August 9, 2008

Pray for Magdalena, Julie and Noah

Finally a cool morning on a Saturday and I can just sit outside and do this for a few minutes. Hasn't been much going on. A few birds singing and AC units are running but other than that, oops, a siren now is blaring down the road.

I want you to keep Julie and Noah Roberts in your prayers. They are the couple that I have blogged about that just had the Trisomy 18 baby. The reports on Friday afternoon were not as encouraging as previous. Little Magdalena had to have her IV re-inserted because she was not digesting her food as well and they were afraid of dehydration. We went by to see them but could not because they had just received the news and were really upset. I think that the little miracles experienced have given them hope that she would beat the odds against her and this was a set back.

The insurance has approved for Julie to stay in the hospital until tomorrow, Sunday and we are thankful so she can be near Magdalena. (by the way the g is silent).

Be in a spirit of prayer for them that God will give the peace that only he can give. It is very easy to be brave and self-assured until that little baby is placed in your arms, then all the best of preparation can go right out the window.

Pray! Pray! Pray!

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