Friday, December 28, 2007

A New Year

Here we are on the brink of a New Year. What will it hold for you and me? Will it be the same old same or will you and I strive for something better?

It is tradition to examine one's past in order to make promises to ourselves to do more or less depending on the issue. We resolve to do____ you fill in the blank.

I have resolved to loose the weight I gained in 2006, which was all the weight that I lost in 2005. I am sure I will loose some but we will have to wait and see on the all.

These are some of my hopes for the new year.
  • I hope to become more consistent in my prayer life. I am learning that it is the ONE most important part of my Christian walk.
  • I hope to become more patient with those around me.
  • I hope to become deeper in my spiritual walk.
  • I hope to become bolder in my witness for Christ
  • I hope to set all my priorities weighed on God's Word.

I have used the word hope instead of resolve. To resolve would mean that I would be promising to do these things. I cannot, but I desire to be more like this and with God sitting more on the throne of my life it will happen.

What are your hopes for the New Year? Will God be a priority in your life or will he just be there as a crutch when things get bad? Are you sure he will be if you don't know him? Get to know him this year!

Ephesians 1:13 (New International Version)

13And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,

Friday, December 7, 2007

The Way He Came

One of my favorite Christmas songs, and I have many, is "The Way He Came" recorded by Truth many moons ago. I don't know who wrote the song and if I did I would give him the credit due here but here are the lyrics for you to read and reflect on.

The Way He Came

Just to think such royalty would come the way He came
In a dusty little town
Born in such humility upon a bed of hay
Certainly He lay His glory down

Who would think this little child would be the Promised One?
Would the Messiah really come this way?/
Certainly this was no birthplace for the son of God
Isn't it amazing how He came

Isn't it amazing the way the way He came?
No crown, no throne, no big parade
There were no fanfares played, no jubilant display
Isn't it amazing how He came?

Can't believe that I would be the reason why He came
Can't believe He left His mighty throne
He became a pauper so that I could be a king
Denied Himself to make my heart his home

Isn't it amazing the way the way He came?
No crown, no throne, no big parade
There were no fanfares played, no jubilant display
Isn't it amazing how He came?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

For Unto You Is Born A Savior Part II

One of my favorite things to do at this time of year is to attend Christmas Cantatas. To hear and see the pageantry of the birth of Jesus is moving and a reminder of the reason we have the Holiday in the first place. I never grow tired of the Greatest Story Ever Told.

This year marks the third Christmas since my nephew died. For his Mom and Dad Christmas has lost some of its zip. Well if truth be told life has as well. I hope that in the not so far future that it will be easier for them. He will never be forgotten, but just maybe a little easier. There are countless others who will be without loved ones this year. For some it will be for another year, and for some this will be the first and worst. Some have been taken by war and some taken by wrecks, and yet others through suicide and natural causes. It doesn't matter how we loose our loved ones the lost can be unbearable. Enter Jesus.

Jesus' birth into this world was to fulfill God's promise to provide a blood atonement for the sin of mankind. For those of us who accept this atonement and trust him as our Savior he becomes much more. He is the comfort in times of heartache and despair. It is tough this time of year for some but God, His Son, and His Holy Spirit is available to all will trust him.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

For Unto You Is Born A Savior Who Is Christ The Lord

I don't know about you, but Christmas has always been a special time for me. Like most children, I always anticipated the gifts. In my early years there weren't many but we received some. One year, my sister was particularly aggravating. So much so that my Dad wrapped a huge empty box and told her that was all there was because of the way she acted. This was pretty funny because we have always opened our presents on Christmas Eve. Well, on Christmas morning she had a brand new bike in the living room. The point had been made.

After I married my wife and I merged many of our different traditions for our children. What we did different was we opened two or three presents on Christmas Eve and then "Santa" came on Christmas morning. Usually way to early after being up all night putting things together. But the expression on their faces and the excitement was always worth any lost sleep.

Now I am a grandfather. We have had two Christmas's now and this will be the third and the best. His anticipation is growing each day as he sees different things he would like. The only draw back this year is the absence of his dad who is deployed and that is big for mom, dad and grandparents. We will make the best of a bad situation and be thankful for his service.

Christmas is much more that all that above. It is a special time because of the real meaning of the season. It is the time set aside in our culture to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This is the message I learned and have taught. There are days coming in the next weeks that will be hectic and will seem like there are not enough hours in the day, but I will try to keep the real "Reason for the Season" as the important reason for this time of year.

Don't forget those service men and women who will be away from family this year. Pray earnestly for their safety and the safety of their families.

Merry Christmas to all of you and the best of the New Year!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The New Evangelicals

Much has been said about Evangelicals in the recent decades, mostly in political terms. Now there is a new evangelical on the scene. Their belief is not in God but just the opposite. Their message is disbelief in God. They are not new. I have known one or two in my 52 years and seen some on TV, so, what is going on? Well they seem to be spreading their message with new fervor. Taking their lead from the Gay lobby these minority citizens want to use the media and other avenues to change yours and my mind on the existence of God. In short, you must become an atheist.

I do not hate atheist. I don't hate anyone. I don't like some people because of belief and personality differences but hate is a different and very strong emotion and is destructive to all involved. But, I cannot and will not give any validity to their point of view because it is contrary to the word of God. The end!

If you do not believe that the time of this earth is drawing to a close then you have not read or studied the New Testament. For what those pages hold is coming true at an alarming rate. Check it out.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Rain, Rain Go Away....

All week I have been praying for the rain to hold off until late today. We need to get the roof on our addition to the house. So far it looks like God will answer that prayer. He has answered the one for those folks on the coast the storm as lessened in strength and will be just a rain make. To God be the Gory!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Armstrong Williams says.....

In one paragraph, Armstrong Williams challenges our faith in a comparison with terrorist.

"Radical Islamic terrorists believe that one way or another, Allah is being offended and it is their duty to set things straight. Sadly, the faith of many of these terrorists is stronger than that of many Americans; misguided, though it may be, it is powerful. How many Americans are willing to lose their lives over what they believe? While their methods are despicable, these terrorists’ faith is respectable. We can use this example as a standard for our own religious convictions, to truly examine our faith and belief systems to make sure they are sensible and worthy of devotion. That being said, religious radicals could obviously learn a thing or two from us as well."

Monday, September 10, 2007

Doubting God Is....?

Where is God? We have all asked that question in one way or another. Typically it is asked when something tragic occurs that takes the lives of a youngster or someone who is perceived as doing good with their lives. All of us wonder, all of us. We all have dark times. Some last longer than others.

I have had to chuckle a little as I listened to the media make a really big deal over the release of portions of Mother Theresa's letters to her confessor. I admit that I had some immediate reactions as an evangelical Christian, but thought I might explore and think on this for awhile. First, let me say that her expressions of emptiness and not feeling the presence of God at times is common with believers. Sometimes it comes from sin that is not confessed to God, sometimes from a tragedy around us, and sometimes when we are seeking for more of God's presence in our lives.

I admit that my first reaction was that Mother Theresa had not had a personal experience with Jesus. In other words, having seen her sin as sin, that it separates us from God's love, and ask God for the forgiveness he offers (for free). There is no doubt that Mother Theresa did plenty of "good works" in her life on earth, but the Bible teaches that is not enough. It is admirable, but falls very short in God's eyes for we are not perfect. But I don't know (no one does but her) if that was the reason for her emptiness, but her struggle was not unique.

Another thought came to mind later. Mother Theresa was so well thought of as a spiritual giant because of the work she accomplished, and was not without her critics. She asked that her letters be destroyed, but instead they are going to be published. I think she knew what would happen if her days of doubt were ever exposed and truly that has come to pass. If a giant such as she would doubt, then there must be no God. NPR reported an article of Time Magazine that quoted known atheist Christopher Hitchens. He said, "She was no more exempt from the realization that religion is a human fabrication than any other person, and that her attempted cure was more and more professions of faith could only have deepened the pit that she had dug for herself." He is unfortunately dead wrong and unaware of true spirituality. A feeling of emptiness is not unique to those who don't have any faith at all. Our faith is not superficial and does not ebb and flow with our emotions. Many, if not all, the apostles struggled with those same feelings and they spent three years in the presence of God (Jesus). Jesus himself had those same feelings on the cross, as God had to turn away in order for the his plan to proceed.

If I were to poll all the believers I know, without question 100% would tell me they had experienced doubt of God's existence in their lives. The reasons would vary but all would attest to it. They would also tell me that after working through those times of doubt and frustration, they felt God's presence more than ever before. Most times the feelings of doubt are temporary and short lived, but sometimes it can go for a long while depending on circumstances.

Maybe after all of her letters are published, we will see a Mother Theresa that struggled but also prevailed in her faith.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Do You Really Want School Prayer?

One of the issues in most local campaign's is school prayer. Now they say voluntary, but it is school prayer non the less. I too have in the past been for returning prayer to the school. After all, it was there when I was in school, it couldn't do any harm. Today, I am not convinced there could be no harm.

Before you go off the deep end, let's think this through. If we had school prayer what would it look like? In today's politically correct environment what prayer would be espoused. Whose religion would be chosen? Are you OK with a Muslim prayer in your child's classroom? What about Hindu? Is it the school's responsibility to train my child or grandchild in prayer? Because I am a Christian, I don't want any other influence on my child but Christian. If the school is to be "fair", then they will be exposed to other influences and thought that go against my Christian beliefs. There is plenty of that without adding religious instruction contrary to my belief system.

Has the dismissal of prayer from school been the overriding factor in the down trend of society and morals? Some would argue that it is and I might agree that it has contributed, but it is not the overriding factor. I have been in church all of my life. I have worked in the public eye where I can observe human behavior and I have raised two children of my own. In all of these instances I had the opportunity to watch human behavior. I have watched as each generation gets a little further from the center of their upbringing. I recently read an article, not sure where, that had the results from a survey of 18-24 year old. Only 64% of those interviewed that went to church while at home stayed in church when they left home for work or college. Thankfully many only stayed out a year or less but yet they made the decision to not attend. Some said it was because they only went because of peer pressure.

This is not new. I knew young people like all along. Some went to church because of a girl or boy they liked. Others just like to do the fun stuff and sometimes the message got through and someone's life was changed.

The answer is not school prayer but parents, grandparents, Sunday School teachers, youth workers, and ministers all working together to insure the future generations follow the teachings of Jesus.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

I just finished watching the movie, "The Greatest Game Ever Played". It is not the first time I have seen it, but I find it inspiring each time I watch it.

I have always been drawn to movies that feature an underdog beating the odds to come out on top. I watch several movies over and over for that reason; "Mighty Ducks", " Remember The Titans", "Facing The Giants" to name a few. Lots of times, these movies are based on actual events and that makes it better. Most times, the heroes in these movies not only reach down and find that one more effort to push them over the top, but inspire those they compete against to become their greatest cheerleaders. I know that real life doesn't always happen that way, but it does sometimes and should always.

We just completed our political primaries here and there were winners and losers. Some beat all odds others were considered shoo ins from the start. As I think about the presidential elections in the upcoming year, I will agree with Chuck Colson, no one excites me on either side of the isle. What I hope for is for a dark horse to emerge soon that could dry out the wet wood. So far no one is any good for the country.

So we can pray and hope that like the movies, an underdog will appear and beat the odds.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Do You Really Want An Anti-War President?

Could we survive as a country if we had a truly anti-war president? A president that would never engage a threat to our survival from outside or even inside forces? Can we really successfully be passive in every regard?


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Who Is Your Hero

I haven't written in awhile because of vacation and family time and various other reasons, but watching the news coverage of the sports "scandals" causes me to get sick. This time I am really not ranting at the news, but at organized sports and "athletes".

I am old enough to remember when men of integrity played the games as professionals. Oh, I know there were always bad apples, but the conferences had more control over behavior. Now with player unions you can even "dis" a coach and get away it. There seems to be no respect for authority. When a player is paid more than the coach what can you expect?

Now I am about to say something and no one is to read between the lines because there is no hidden agenda. We all know that a lot of our current pro athletes are from very poor backgrounds. By living in that socio-economic background, where the kinds of activities we are seeing today are common place, they have to take some if not all of that with them. We all do. We all are human beings. You place more money than they, for that matter, I have ever seen and you fund those activities they are accustomed to. Maybe they are legal and maybe not. It's the "not" that gets you into trouble. I don't mean to imply that everyone would behave that way, but some do while others rise above it all.

One person interviewed about bad sports in general said that we shouldn't put people on a pedestal because when they fall we become disappointed. True, but to ask someone to not do sot goes against human nature. For example, should pastors be held to a higher standard than church members? In God's eyes, the answer is no. But as humans, we do hold them to a higher standard. And it goes even further, we hold their families to the same standard. I know because I grew up as a child of a pastor. As Christians we are to all live by a higher standard set by Jesus himself.

In a limited response to the man interviewed, the Gospel of Luke said this; "To whom much is given, much is expected" Luke 12:48. Should we expect more from those in professional sports? Absolutely! Should they meet the moral standards set by society? You betcha ya! Should they pay the price when they fall? Yes. Not that they cannot be restored, but for awhile they should be removed from the limelight until which time they prove they can offer a worthy example.

Just so you know. I don't watch the NBA and very little professional football. I do not buy tickets and don't plan to help fund this behavior. I don't buy sports memorabilia with any one's name on it.

If you sick and tired as I am with all these highly paid hula gins running around like no one can touch them then do I as do in this matter. Don't pay them to do it. Quit going to games and buying stuff with their names on it. Support those who provide good examples and forget the ones who wish to endeavor in criminal and immoral behavior.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Presidential Faith Part 2

Cal Thomas has once again hit the nail on the head. Read it here. I just could not say it any better than he does.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Is Adultery Ethical?

Salinas said in a statement that she would cooperate with the investigation. She said, "I am confident that when all the facts are analyzed it will be clear that I conducted myself in an appropriate way."(Fox News)

This is the answer to a question about ethical behavior and whether she comprised journalistic ethics after having an adulteress affair with the mayor of Los Angeles.

Am I alone or is something backwards here? I think the mayor's wife got it right, she filed for divorce!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Will Of The People

Mark one down for the people of this country. When push really comes to shove they will speak up. Speak up they did on the immigration bill that was about to be forced down our ever loving throats.

Here in my great state we had one senator(Thad Cochran) against the bill and one(Trent Lott) for it. Trent made several bad comments like talk radio was a problem. He said something to the effect that his state knew he would do what was best for them. The problem was he turned his volume off and didn't listen. There were many on radio and even a petition brought to his office expressing our displeasure in his stance.

I am not against legal immigration. I don't know anyone who is. I am against anyone breaking the law whether they be citizens or illegals. What I would like to see is the laws on the books enforced to the letter. The strain on the economy of states and the feds is surmounting our abilities to sustain.

Many of the elites say talk radio defeated this bill and should be controlled. Controled? Sounds like state sponsored censorship to me. With the mainstream media in their hip pocket doling out what ever propaganda they see fit, talk radio and internet blogs and websites is the only way to get the other side of the story to make rational decisions.

Chalk one up for us. Pay attention they will try it again or something else to push us down the road to destruction.

Monday, July 2, 2007

A Morning Thought

This morning I am sitting in a campground looking out over the water. A gentle breeze is blowing and cooling off the already humid air accumulating today. The birds are singing and the geese are honking and water is rippling from the breeze.

I love mornings like this. It helps you forget some of the issues that we face in life. Here the war seems distant and the politicians irrelevant. Here you can be and are reminded how great God is. He is seen in everything around us. Look there is a red headed woodpecker, over there the geese are gathering at the camper next door where the lady is feeding them corn. Even they have a pecking order.

It has been a difficult week here in my little world. Last Sunday we said goodbye to our son-in-law as he heads off for his deployment. The plus here is that he is not headed for Iraq but his mission is important just the same. He is joining with other American and NATO forces in keeping the peace in another country. This experience has softened me quite a bit. I can never look at deployment the same as I did in the past. Now it has affected me personally. It is not someone else's loved one but one that I love. I feel a great deal of sadness at his leaving. Not for me, even though I will miss him, but for his young family. His son is 2 1/2 and even though I thought he really wouldn't grasp the reality of his daddy leaving, I believe I am mistaken. He does realize that his daddy is not here, and he asks for him regularly. Such an innocent mind, yet he is able to pick up on all the emotions around him.

My daughter is being the trooper. She wants so much for her husband to proud of her. Underneath all that outward strength is a woman whose heart is broken. She is lonely and misses the companionship of her husband. She has things to keep her busy but it isn't enough right now, maybe it will be later.

My family over the years has been spared the harsh reality of life. Death was close but not to close. We have lost close friends, and children of cousins and other family members but not in our immediate family. And then 18 months ago, our bubble was popped with the suicide of my sister's son. I have not led a sheltered life these 52 years but it hasn't been a tragedy either. Now we are facing our next first.

I am angry, but not for the reasons you might think. I am angry at the reasons that my SNL had to go away for a spell. Not at our military, they are the finest money can buy, but at the heart of men that cause the need for such action. These men have a corrupted view of how the world should look and they are willing to have others die for it. These men believe they can change the world with threats followed by devastating actions that affect all. If it doesn't affect you physically it is their hope it will emotionally. They want you to fear them and their capabilities. They want you to fear their ruthlessness. They want you to roll over and play dead or be dead they don't care which it is. Give up or be eliminated is their motto.

That is why our men go and stand in the gap for us. No matter how you feel about this war or any war in general that is what they do. They stand between the evil men and us. Imagine a world without those warriors. Imagine the evil that would befall us. You don't really have to use your imagination. Look at history. History has shown us these evil men. Men who go against the government then insert themselves as the government usually as a dictator. That has been the difference between America and the rest of the world. After the overthrow of the British in the American Revolution it would have been easy to set up another monarchy or a dictatorship but that is not what happened. They established the government we now have in place.

Now when you see one of our mighty warriors in person, offer your hand in gratitude of the sacrifice they made. Maybe it wasn't life or limb, they gave. That sacrifice is great and there is no comparison. But for those who don't give the ultimate, their sacrifice is no less important. They sacrifice their year of two away from home and family so that you may live and raise your family in the safest environment possible.

So to all that must leave their families to serve and protect you and me...

God's Speed and safe return.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Goodbye Tears

Dear Son:(We think of you that way even though you are our son-in-law)

The weeks of waiting for a specified leave date has finally come. The day that we all have dreaded will be here soon. Before you go I wanted you to know some things.

I have been watching you these last few weeks. The amount of love you have poured into living your life, dedicating every free moment to spend quality time with your wife and your son, has been amazing to watch. You've used every opportunity to let them know how much they mean to you, and how much you love them. I know that their well-being weighs heavily on your heart, and I won't tell you not to worry because that won't do much good. I will tell you that they will be just fine. Maybe not at first, but they soon will be able to function and will wait anxiously for the day they can wrap their arms around you and hold you close again.

You made a commitment to your family, to keep them safe from evil and you have kept it. Now you must take it one step further. The evil we all face on a daily basis is hard enough to try and keep at bay, but the world wide evil we all face now seeks to destroy every thing as we know it. It takes brave men like you to stand in the gap for the rest of us, to hold this evil away from our homes and our families. It takes men like you, men who think less of themselves and give freely for the benefit of their country and society as a whole. It takes men like you who have God as the strength they need in times as hard as these.

You are an honest man. One who can be trusted with the lives around you. You are a moral man. One who has the highest standards of faith as a part of his life. You are a man of integrity. One who keeps his word even if it the hardest thing in the world for you to do.

Now in just a few short days we will get together to send you and your fellow soldiers to a place we wish you didn't have to go. We will be there trying, but failing, to be brave. We will try to hold back the tears, but again we will fail. But as we cry the goodbye tears we will stand tall with pride, proud that you are the brave, honest, moral man of integrity that you are. Proud that you and many others like you are prepared to do what it takes to protect your family and your country from the evil men and women bent on destroying the world.

So go now. Be safe. Make good decisions and come home soon.

God's Speed!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Presidential Faith

The Sojourners sponsored a debate to give the Democrats an opportunity to "explain" their faith. Hmm. I did not watch but caught the sound bites. In viewing those sound bites I have never seen folks so uncomfortable as they were taking about their faith. Could it be they really don't have any, because their statements did not convince me. Neither did their body language.

I don't see how some of these folks sleep at night knowingly deceiving people about some faith they really don't aspire to. There is no evidence in their public life to show me this. And don't go there with that tired argument that faith is personal and private. It is not. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to hide your faith. And these folk hide their's until it is prudent to let someone know that they even think about God once a year or so.

I don't buy this attempt by the liberals to show they have what a lot of "faith based" voters base their vote on.

Living by faith is a daily lifestyle, lived by the moment. Not without failure, but with the conviction that God is in control of what you do and say. Still, no evidence. Churches have given over to the government our responsibility of taking care of the poor and widows. Much like Adam gave over paradise. Many have bought into entitlement. Entitled to what exactly?

I usually don't look for a candidate to say he is a Christian. It is too easy to lie. But if he does say, then I look for evidence in his walk. As the old saying goes, "The proof is in the pudding".

Good day.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Hooray For Law and Order!

Anybody here feel really bad for Paris Hilton? Come on raise your hand. I know someone out there is really upset at her re-incarceration. Because she is crying for her mommy she should receive compassion? You really think she is getting a raw deal. You bleeding hearts think crime should go punished with a slap on the hand.

The rule of law should pertain to one and all. Hollywood has, to date, given the impression that if you are a "celebrity" you deserve special treatment. Robert Blake, Mel Gibson, O. J. Simpson, ZaZa Gabor to name a few and the list is way to long to finish and I am really to tired anyway. No one, no one is above the law. Even Moses found himself punished for breaking God's rules. What will one of these nut cases have to do to receive the proper punishment. We already know from two of them they even get away with murder.

When I was 15 and starting to drive my dad sat me down and laid out the rules. Actually, only one rule that really stuck with me. My dad said, "If you get into trouble with the law, don't call me that night because I won't get up and come get you and I will have to think hard about it the next day too". Let me tell how much of an impression that made. I remember those words exactly as he spoke them and I am now 52. I feared the possibility of spending time in jail. Not only did I fear it but I was terrified and I never have been in one as a resident.

Where did this all start? Who knows, but I do remember hearing these words as a young adult listening to parents whose children get into trouble; "Not my child". But you don't have to live in L. A. for these things to happen. It happens in small town America as well. There are folks in every town that feel they are entitled to special treatment. The truth is there are people in every town that get special treatment, but that doesn't make it right.

So what is to be done? There is a simple answer. Go by the rules! Everyone would be happier, you could have the utopia that some people aspire to, and our jails would be nearly empty not bursting at the seams.

So, today go by the rules. Be curtieous and kind to others and for goodness sake don' act like a spoiled little rich girl.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

The View From Here

As a first post on this site, I want you to know that we will look at a lot of different topic. Religion, politics, family and general life issues.

I am pretty ticked off that we have begun the Presidential campaign so soon. But now I figure since I won't be able to completely turn them off I might as well sound off.

So much will be talked about in the media so we will try to look at it with honest and maybe humorous eyes. At least I hope so. Honest for sure. It will be hard to be humorous sometimes even though I find some of the talking points down right dumb.

I'll be back soon with more as I tweak this site.