Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Will Of The People

Mark one down for the people of this country. When push really comes to shove they will speak up. Speak up they did on the immigration bill that was about to be forced down our ever loving throats.

Here in my great state we had one senator(Thad Cochran) against the bill and one(Trent Lott) for it. Trent made several bad comments like talk radio was a problem. He said something to the effect that his state knew he would do what was best for them. The problem was he turned his volume off and didn't listen. There were many on radio and even a petition brought to his office expressing our displeasure in his stance.

I am not against legal immigration. I don't know anyone who is. I am against anyone breaking the law whether they be citizens or illegals. What I would like to see is the laws on the books enforced to the letter. The strain on the economy of states and the feds is surmounting our abilities to sustain.

Many of the elites say talk radio defeated this bill and should be controlled. Controled? Sounds like state sponsored censorship to me. With the mainstream media in their hip pocket doling out what ever propaganda they see fit, talk radio and internet blogs and websites is the only way to get the other side of the story to make rational decisions.

Chalk one up for us. Pay attention they will try it again or something else to push us down the road to destruction.

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