Saturday, October 18, 2008

Moved On

What a morning! It is the coolest morning of the new fall season. It finally feels like fall and I couldn’t be happier.

I am not at home. I am out in the country. The only thing that would make this better is being in my camper at a campground. But this is okay to. I haven’t been here since back in the spring so it is good to get back.

Coming through town last night on the way to her mom’s, my wife and I were making observations about how things have changed. This is where she was born and grew up. Our son was born here as well, and things are not the same. At one time this community had vibrant industry that employed many in the town and the surrounding area. Not true anymore. Retail stores lined Front Street. Not true anymore. The First Baptist Church had many young people, children, and young couples. Not anymore.

Many have moved on…

It is sad, but the reality, towns and people will change. The big question, what kind of change? Is the change better? God instituted change in his creation. The seasons change four times a year. This allows plants, animals, and crops to hibernate or grow dormant to rejuvenate themselves, and then once again bloom and bring beauty and food to our planet. Jesus came to give his own life to gives us a choice of change, to make a choice to move in a new direction away from the old way of sin.

Change comes to our families as well. We marry, children are born, and parents pass away. Our children grow from newborn to toddler, to pre-school, to school age, to pre-teen, to teenager, and then high school graduate. Many will go on to college and then marry and the cycle then repeats itself. In my opinion, good change.

But all change is not good change. Coming soon, real soon, we will elect a new president. Both have promised change. The change one offers is not at all equal to the change of the other. It all depends on the way you would like to see our country move. I will admit this is an historic time in our country, but is that what we want to base our vote on? I have lived long enough to see a lot of history made and much of it has changed our nation. It goes without saying that the space program has offered many new innovations that we all use today. The decade of the sixties brought about many changes and some were not so good. We lost the opportunity to pray in school. The sexual revolution came to the forefront of news, talk shows, and books and destroyed the very fabric of a moral society. Abortion was made legal. Women now had the legal right to kill their unborn child. So, is the opportunity to vote historically a good choice for change?

If you are paying attention, you know that the next president will have great influence over the many aspects of our government. He will most likely nominate 3 and maybe even 4 Supreme Court justices. This will change the dynamics of the court. And since the court has set itself as the last word in the culture war, which way would you like to see it go? I have thought and prayed about this and I will say, Obama is not the change I want for this country. I have never, in my voting life, seen a candidate that is more socialistic than this man. I have never before seen a man that is throwing his radical views on abortion and homosexual rights in our faces in such a way that we will have to like it or lump it. He professes to be a believer in Jesus and yet every policy position that he has is the opposite of the teachings of God’s word. I just don’t get that. Does he think that we are a bunch of idiots and cannot see through him? Sadly, I must admit that many are just that idiotic.

Historical figure? No doubt. The president we need? No, No Absolutely Not!

The only way to avoid this is to vote!

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