On the way to work this morning, I was listening to the radio as I do most mornings. One song, by Pam Thumb, stood out this morning. A line in the chorus stood out and is the title of this post. When I started this post, I also remembered a t-shirt slogan, "Life Is Hard....Then You Die". Both state the obvious, Life Is Hard, but only one offers hope, the other hangs you out to dry (you are on your own).
This very moment many in America are suffering. They are facing incredible hardships in life. Job loss, foreclosures, family disintegration, war separation, financial distress, and the list could go on and on. It is very safe to say that many are looking for the next president to solve their woes. As has been for over 40 years, many are looking for the government to open the storehouse doors, and pour out blessings (money) on to us to save us from being so dumb.
I have to question if there is any validity to that effort. When the well runs dry, where are you then? Hopeless? You most likely are if you hope is in the government or a man! But from experience, I don't question the goodness and generosity of God.
I have been where so many find themselves today. I have been jobless. I have been afraid. I have wondered how I was going to feed my family, pay the house note and pay the utility bills. Let alone a car note and other expenses. I have felt so low that I felt I would have to climb up to see the bottom of a rut in the road. I couldn't get my bearings and I didn't know which direction to turn. But then, as He has done countless times for countless people, God stepped in and stepped up! He started meeting my families needs one by one. Then the next one, and the next. Did I deserve his generosity? No, except that I am His child and His promise is to take care of my needs. He chose to show His greatness to me over and over again.
This is not prosperity gospel. I don't subscribe to the notion that because I am a Christian, there won't be problems in my life. God did these things, I believe, so I would have a story to share with someone, anyone, that may be going through what I experienced. He has allowed me to tell of his faithfulness and I do so gladly.
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