This morning marks yet another Mother's Day. And sometimes I wonder if that is just not the way we look at it. That we take our mothers for granted. We show up at their house like we never left and when we get there we expect the same old treatment we always got; unconditional love, a hot meal and never ending praise on how good we are. Personally I like all three even when they are not deserved.
But let me tell you about my mom. I should be able to tell you lots because after all I have known her all my life. My mom is a great cook! I know we all say that but she really is. Maybe her generation is the last to take their time when preparing a meal. Growing up we had 3 squares a day. She got up early started the cooking before she ever called us to get up. While cooking our breakfast she oversaw our getting ready for school and trying her best to make sure we didn't miss the bus (no, I didn't walk up hill both ways in the snow barefoot). Since I have 3 siblings, mom spent a great deal of time breaking up fights. When pleading didn't work, the tears would. No one wants to see their mom cry, even if they caused it. And if that didn't work, well, you know.
I could go on and on but some of you would be bored or maybe even upset because your life was not like mine. My mom was not perfect, but modeled perfection in front of us. She gives her love unconditionally even today. That love goes beyond the walls of her home. We all have married and that love has been extended to our spouses, our children, and recently our grandchildren. But that is not were it ends. She has been the perfect mate for my dad, who is a minister. Her caring for not only her family but for those men, women, and children of all ages in the church goes beyond explanation. Beyond explanation, except for the love of Christ in her life. That is the only way we can truly love those we really don't want to.
My mom is now in her seventies and often tells us what she wants sung and done at her funeral. Why she even sent all of us an email sometime ago. But as far as I know, and only God truly does, she still has many years with us yet. Yes, the joints ache, but she still presses on and smiles still come to her face, and for that we are all grateful.
I hope that you have the opportunity today to at the very least call your mom and wish her a happy mother's day. If yours is no longer here, I hope you have many memories to remind you of your mother's love.
So mom, thank you for your sacrifices through child birth, rearing, sicknesses, and all the other stuff that we hope you have forgotten about. May God grant us more time with you.
From me and my family, WE LOVE YOU!
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