Friday, December 4, 2009

Looking INWARD

This week has been a very reflective week for me. I have been thinking on Sunday and the time we will spend in worship. What do I hope to get out of it. A fuzzy feeling or something more?

The world around me, the everyday stuff, is quite frankly going down the toilet! I have wondered why I am so content on the way things are. Of doing the same old thing day in and day out? Why doesn't a sense of urgency register in me that folks are dying eternally. Why don't I see that I am so much like the "prodigal son" wasting away in some ditch. Hasn't God proved his faithfulness? How many more times do I need to see it? What is it with the "Church" today? Why are so many becoming apostate?

The Christmas season is at hand. I love this time of year not for what it brings, but for what has already been given. You have the opportunity to receive the Savior which is celebrated this time of year. You choose to believe or not. You choose to follow or not. You choose to serve or not. Serving not only Him, but serving those around you because of Him.

Much has been said about businesses not saying Merry Christmas in the stores or in their advertising. This is really not new! I remember as a child noticing signs in store windows saying "Merry Xmas". Can a business really take the Christ out of Christmas? Are we upset because this is the only witness for Christ that many of us will ever do? I believe it is testimony of what we haven't done. Why are fighting this battle now? Because we have been falling away for so long? I believe so. We have had it comfortable here in the U. S. We haven't really been challenged. We haven't really been tested. We are now! So, where do you stand?

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