Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Does It Really Matter?

A couple of years ago, I was talking with my sister and remembered I needed to call my mom because it was her birthday. She said, "Today is really not her birthday." Well, I knew she was off her rocker because mom's birthday is on the 17th. "No", she said, "Mom received her birth certificate when she was retiring and it had the 18th on it". I called mom and sure enough, that was the truth. Imagine my surprise. But you know, I still call her on the 17th.

There are some that would argue against Jesus being born simply because we can't prove the exact day he was born. My comeback is "Does it really matter"? Like my mom, the date could be messed up, but the fact is she was born and so it only matters that He was born!

Christians today are becoming so marginalized that the true message of Christmas is being lost. But the message is not lost yet. God sent His Son to earth in the form of a baby and conceived him in the womb of a woman who had not yet known a man (a miracle). This baby grew up to become a man who had been sinless. This baby, now grown, went to the most horrible death of the cross to pay the debt of sin you and I could not possibly pay for ourselves. Then He rose again and proved that life could and would be eternal if we believed in Him.

The real meaning of Christmas is that God loves you so much that He offered you His son. All you have to do is accept this love. If you would like to know this love and peace it offers then say this little prayer :

God, I know that I have done a lot of things wrong in and with my life. I ask you to forgive me. I believe you sent your son for me and I accept the gift of life. Help me to turn from my old life and follow after you. Amen!

Merry Christmas to All of You!!!

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