A couple of years ago, I was talking with my sister and remembered I needed to call my mom because it was her birthday. She said, "Today is really not her birthday." Well, I knew she was off her rocker because mom's birthday is on the 17th. "No", she said, "Mom received her birth certificate when she was retiring and it had the 18th on it". I called mom and sure enough, that was the truth. Imagine my surprise. But you know, I still call her on the 17th.
There are some that would argue against Jesus being born simply because we can't prove the exact day he was born. My comeback is "Does it really matter"? Like my mom, the date could be messed up, but the fact is she was born and so it only matters that He was born!
Christians today are becoming so marginalized that the true message of Christmas is being lost. But the message is not lost yet. God sent His Son to earth in the form of a baby and conceived him in the womb of a woman who had not yet known a man (a miracle). This baby grew up to become a man who had been sinless. This baby, now grown, went to the most horrible death of the cross to pay the debt of sin you and I could not possibly pay for ourselves. Then He rose again and proved that life could and would be eternal if we believed in Him.
The real meaning of Christmas is that God loves you so much that He offered you His son. All you have to do is accept this love. If you would like to know this love and peace it offers then say this little prayer :
God, I know that I have done a lot of things wrong in and with my life. I ask you to forgive me. I believe you sent your son for me and I accept the gift of life. Help me to turn from my old life and follow after you. Amen!
Merry Christmas to All of You!!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Looking INWARD
This week has been a very reflective week for me. I have been thinking on Sunday and the time we will spend in worship. What do I hope to get out of it. A fuzzy feeling or something more?
The world around me, the everyday stuff, is quite frankly going down the toilet! I have wondered why I am so content on the way things are. Of doing the same old thing day in and day out? Why doesn't a sense of urgency register in me that folks are dying eternally. Why don't I see that I am so much like the "prodigal son" wasting away in some ditch. Hasn't God proved his faithfulness? How many more times do I need to see it? What is it with the "Church" today? Why are so many becoming apostate?
The Christmas season is at hand. I love this time of year not for what it brings, but for what has already been given. You have the opportunity to receive the Savior which is celebrated this time of year. You choose to believe or not. You choose to follow or not. You choose to serve or not. Serving not only Him, but serving those around you because of Him.
Much has been said about businesses not saying Merry Christmas in the stores or in their advertising. This is really not new! I remember as a child noticing signs in store windows saying "Merry Xmas". Can a business really take the Christ out of Christmas? Are we upset because this is the only witness for Christ that many of us will ever do? I believe it is testimony of what we haven't done. Why are fighting this battle now? Because we have been falling away for so long? I believe so. We have had it comfortable here in the U. S. We haven't really been challenged. We haven't really been tested. We are now! So, where do you stand?
The world around me, the everyday stuff, is quite frankly going down the toilet! I have wondered why I am so content on the way things are. Of doing the same old thing day in and day out? Why doesn't a sense of urgency register in me that folks are dying eternally. Why don't I see that I am so much like the "prodigal son" wasting away in some ditch. Hasn't God proved his faithfulness? How many more times do I need to see it? What is it with the "Church" today? Why are so many becoming apostate?
The Christmas season is at hand. I love this time of year not for what it brings, but for what has already been given. You have the opportunity to receive the Savior which is celebrated this time of year. You choose to believe or not. You choose to follow or not. You choose to serve or not. Serving not only Him, but serving those around you because of Him.
Much has been said about businesses not saying Merry Christmas in the stores or in their advertising. This is really not new! I remember as a child noticing signs in store windows saying "Merry Xmas". Can a business really take the Christ out of Christmas? Are we upset because this is the only witness for Christ that many of us will ever do? I believe it is testimony of what we haven't done. Why are fighting this battle now? Because we have been falling away for so long? I believe so. We have had it comfortable here in the U. S. We haven't really been challenged. We haven't really been tested. We are now! So, where do you stand?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
What if you....?
Stop a moment and think about what is going on around you; your family, your church, your work, and your activities. Are you like many, with all these things pulling you in so many different directions that you are out of control, or at least seem to be? Do you long for sanity? Do the little things irritate you? Do the big things overwhelm you? Does it seem that the world as a whole is moving at a fast pace down the wrong road? Do you feel helpless to stop it?
Recently, I posed the title of this blog as a question on my facebook page. I got several answers differing in seriousness and that is OK. I didn't quantify what the response should be. I wanted to know what a person or persons were thinking at that moment. Not scientific, I was just curious. What are your answers to the questions posed above or the to the title of this blog?
There is an uncountable number of steps that you take in an effort to answer the question, what if you...?. Some would actually be an answer while others would just mask you situation until later and then you would have to deal with your problems.
Life is full of questions, heartache, and joy. So, as one respondent put it; "What if you had as your primary concern the kingdom of God and what He requires of you?" Would all this go away? No, but I believe that all the loneliness, anxiety, rejection, anger and feelings of despair are easier to handle and get through.
I have always said that the hymns of old are so inspired from God as the authors and composers walked through there own times of questions, so I leave you with the lyrics of this one:
Recently, I posed the title of this blog as a question on my facebook page. I got several answers differing in seriousness and that is OK. I didn't quantify what the response should be. I wanted to know what a person or persons were thinking at that moment. Not scientific, I was just curious. What are your answers to the questions posed above or the to the title of this blog?
There is an uncountable number of steps that you take in an effort to answer the question, what if you...?. Some would actually be an answer while others would just mask you situation until later and then you would have to deal with your problems.
Life is full of questions, heartache, and joy. So, as one respondent put it; "What if you had as your primary concern the kingdom of God and what He requires of you?" Would all this go away? No, but I believe that all the loneliness, anxiety, rejection, anger and feelings of despair are easier to handle and get through.
I have always said that the hymns of old are so inspired from God as the authors and composers walked through there own times of questions, so I leave you with the lyrics of this one:
O the deep deep love of Jesus, vast unmeasured boundless free!
Rolling as a mighty ocean, in it's fullness over me.
Underneath me, all around me, is the current of Thy love;
Leading onward, leading homeward, to my glorious rest above.
O, the deep deep love of Jesus, spread His praise from shore to shore
How He loveth, ever loveth, changeth never, never more.
How He watches o'er His loved ones, died to call them all His own;
How for thee He intercedeth, watcheth o'er them form the throne!
O, the deep deep love of Jesus, love of every love the best!
'Tis an ocean vast of blessing, 'Tis a haven sweet of rest.
O, the deep deep love of Jesus, 'Tis a heav'n of heav'ns to me;
And it lifts me up to glory, for it lifts me up to Thee.
Rolling as a mighty ocean, in it's fullness over me.
Underneath me, all around me, is the current of Thy love;
Leading onward, leading homeward, to my glorious rest above.
O, the deep deep love of Jesus, spread His praise from shore to shore
How He loveth, ever loveth, changeth never, never more.
How He watches o'er His loved ones, died to call them all His own;
How for thee He intercedeth, watcheth o'er them form the throne!
O, the deep deep love of Jesus, love of every love the best!
'Tis an ocean vast of blessing, 'Tis a haven sweet of rest.
O, the deep deep love of Jesus, 'Tis a heav'n of heav'ns to me;
And it lifts me up to glory, for it lifts me up to Thee.
Friday, September 11, 2009
My Health Care Take
I have remained quiet on this blog about all that has happened since January. Not because I haven't had opinions, but mainly for a host of other reasons. That said, I believe that these 3 are the most pressing issues of the whole debate and should be dealt with before moving forward with a radical upheaval of the health care system in this country.
First, on the list is portability. That has been addressed somewhat over the last few years but is still not as it should be. If you are covered by a company in your previous employment, then the new company's - if there is no break between jobs - insurer should insure you with no penalties or wait time. Currently there is a 90 day window. A lot of things can happen in that span of time.
Second, on the list plays right with the first, pre-existing condition coverage. This one thing nails you when you find the need to change employment, either by choice or force. Most of us older Americans do have one thing or another wrong with us that can be considered a pre-existing condition.
Third on my list is stop-gap. I define stop-gap as a time when an employee is laid off due to economic conditions or just by poor management of the company they work for. There should be a better alternative than COBRA which in some cases triples the cost of monthly premiums to the family who is put on unemployment pay. I have seen the cost of COBRA take the full unemployment benefits to keep insurance in force. That is not right! If the government wants a hand in insurance then work in this area to help those who are not employed by no fault of their own.
See, just 3 little steps to help us all without giving up our freedom and having a nanny government spoon feeding us.
Those of you who voted for this speaker of half truths, and outright lies, VOTE next year to put enough conservative voices in government to put a halt to this slide down a very dangerous slope.
I will stop there. That is another post for another time.
First, on the list is portability. That has been addressed somewhat over the last few years but is still not as it should be. If you are covered by a company in your previous employment, then the new company's - if there is no break between jobs - insurer should insure you with no penalties or wait time. Currently there is a 90 day window. A lot of things can happen in that span of time.
Second, on the list plays right with the first, pre-existing condition coverage. This one thing nails you when you find the need to change employment, either by choice or force. Most of us older Americans do have one thing or another wrong with us that can be considered a pre-existing condition.
Third on my list is stop-gap. I define stop-gap as a time when an employee is laid off due to economic conditions or just by poor management of the company they work for. There should be a better alternative than COBRA which in some cases triples the cost of monthly premiums to the family who is put on unemployment pay. I have seen the cost of COBRA take the full unemployment benefits to keep insurance in force. That is not right! If the government wants a hand in insurance then work in this area to help those who are not employed by no fault of their own.
See, just 3 little steps to help us all without giving up our freedom and having a nanny government spoon feeding us.
Those of you who voted for this speaker of half truths, and outright lies, VOTE next year to put enough conservative voices in government to put a halt to this slide down a very dangerous slope.
I will stop there. That is another post for another time.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Our Chief Representative
There are many times that I am inadequate in expressing clearly my concerns on the plight of America and the need to pray. My wife's cousin's wife sent out her thoughts she gave me permission to share them with you here.
Dear Christian Family,
Dear Christian Family,
I took the time (5 minutes) to call on my representatives and Senator Cochran. I was pleased to find that none support this bill, but I want to challenge you to call on our Chief Representative, the Man Who represents us in Heaven and Who pleads our case before His Father through unending intercession. He and He alone is the one Person in all of heaven and earth Who can turn the tide in this nation.
I beg you to consider persistent prayer like never before. Our nation is falling apart and our prayer rooms are empty, because we who belong to Christ and have access to the very answers to our problems wrongly think the best answer is bigger guns, more ammo, fall out shelters, digging wells, or simply calling their politicians! ( I am not against these things if done as secondary to the clear Biblical response.) Luke 18 promises us that our "Righteous Judge will bring justice speedily to those who cry out day and night" (to Him). Isn't justice what we are truly wanting here? Please don't lose heart or become weary in praying continually, because Crying out day and night= speedy justice for the poor, elderly, abused, unborn, persecuted, etc, etc.
Ezekiel 22:30 says"I sought for a man among them, that should make up a hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none."
Joel 2 ( the whole chapter) and 2 Chronicles 7:14 are God's Action Plans for a nation in Crisis! Joel 2 says.... "Sound the Alarm" "Gather everyone together to pray" "Fast, Weep, Mourn!" "Rend Your hearts----Not Your Garments!" "Get the children, nursing babies, and even the bridegroom out of his wedding chamber!" This is serious.
2 Chronicles says "If My people will humble themselves and PRAY, SEEK MY FACE, and TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land!" God is WAITING for us to do our part. He will not do our part. He WANTS to forgive us. He DELIGHTS to give us mercy. It actually makes His heart HAPPY to forgive our sins! But we must do OUR PART and cry out together for His mercy and His forgiveness.
Joel 2, Ezekiel 22, and the story of Ninevah give me such hope! In each case it is obvious that God's wrath is kindled and judgement is immanent, but each passage states ONLY ONE THING that would make a difference in the outcome of the situation. They state ---- if God looks and finds prayer and repentance, "He might turn and relent and leave a blessing behind!" OH the HOPE we have in coming together to say "I REPENT FOR MY SINS AND THE SINS OF MY NATION, END THIS REBELLION, AND SEND REVIVAL TO AMERICA AGAIN!"
While we are all busy looking around for ways to affect a change in the physical (while avoiding the painful tearing of our hearts), God is intently looking for a people with an INWARD RESPONSE OF DESPERATION for His intervention in their crisis-----He will not allow our man made solutions to save us when He is JEALOUS for the hearts of AMERICA. History shows that when God is jealous for the hearts of an apathetic and complacent people, He installs rulers to oppress the people or raises up an enemy nation to devestate them in battle so that they would "RETURN" to HIM! He not only has jealousy-----HIS VERY NAME IS JEALOUS (QANNA= God who is jealous).
Our human efforts APART from this "CORPORATE CRYING OUT" of God's people will fail at preserving this Great Nation! We must humble ourselves or be humbled. We must fall upon the ROCK lest it fall upon US! I want to encourage us all to choose the former.
Let's choose humility, repentance, and coming together for consistent prayer as our primary response to the evil in our land.
It is sobering for me to think how bad it has to get for God's people in America to return to Him with fasting, weeping, and mourning. Do we really want to wait until death is at our door? Do we really want to put it off until our children are taken from us and persecution for belonging to Christ is common in America as it is in the rest of the world? At what point does the severity of the crisis in our land ---warrant coming together to pray declaring..." OH GOD HELP US! WE ARE IN NEED OF YOU! WE WON'T MAKE IT IF YOU DON'T INTERVENE IN OUR SITUATION!"
It is God's people, the "salt and light" of the earth, who are the problem. We are no longer "salt and light". We can see the power of God miraculously change our land, IF, we humble ourselves and pray. This IF is huge ------because it involves my own heart, my plan of action, my thoughts and my wisdom being crucified at the cross and learning His ways. Many times I've prayed for a "quick solution" and ran out the door to go do the solution, etc. Instead of obeying scriptures by returning to the Lord in continual night and day prayer, myself, asking HIM to solve this nation's problems, I find myself comforted by the fact that I called my representatives or wrote a letter, or I have emailed the crisis to everyone in my address book. These are all good things to do, but if our hope and faith rests in these actions, we will fail. Friends, I'm sorry, but this is NOT what God is looking for. He desires a lingering in prayer-----a tearing of my heart -----a burden in prayer that causes fasting, weeping and mourning over the sins of our land, a crying out for HIS intervention. I struggle with this because it is not easy, but it is what God requires and desires.
The coming crisis will propel the church into unprecedented corporate worship and prayer like no other time in history. It will be our finest HOUR! He will glorify His Bride on the Earth! And at this point in time---- His BRIDE all across the earth will be drawn back into intimacy by their FIRST LOVE. We will see our role as a mature partner and realize that the most powerful thing we can do is pray as He is ever praying.
History proves that PERSECUTION and OPPRESSION are the tools God uses to draw a nation back to HIMSELF. For the sake of our children, let's do what the Bible prescribes as the only TRUE remedy. They (our children) will be the ones to pay the costly price for OUR independence, and pride. They will be the ripe age for WAR if God uses another nation to judge America's spiritual independence and pride. I don't want my children to pay this price. I want to pay the price today by rending my heart, begging God for mercy, and repenting for my sins and the sins of my America! I believe this day is close at hand. According to the scriptures, innocent blood has a voice that cries to God for vengeance. And too much innocent blood has been spilled by way of abortion in America. How long do you think God will hold back judgement from us? HIs own people suffered a Holocaust, why would He spare America in our present condition??? Who would have thought this legislation could be possible in America? The season is changing and it is past time to Cry out to God in humility and repentance.
Please forgive me if this seems harsh, but I am exceedingly more confident in my appeals to Our Great High Priest and Judge Who rules in the highest court in the land (the Throne Room of Heaven)than the rulers on this earth, but have decided the injustice of the Health Care issue was truly worth my voice being heard here on this earth----BUT HOPE AND FAITH LIES ELSEWHERE!
I ask you, What will you do------------ call your state representatives, email the world, or PRAY Night and Day for God's justice (Luke 18)???
Making up a hedge and standing in the gap for our land,
Dara Aldy
House of Prayer Hattiesburg
A public prayer room operating as a perpetual Solemn Assembly (according to Joel 2)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Right Or Left
I find it quite amusing, actually saddening, to see the "Reverends" Sharpton and Jackson jockeying for position in the Michael Jackson saga. First, before "MJ's" body had begun to cool, Sharpton has a press conference saying that he wants to bring Michael back to the Apollo to be memorialized. Do you really think the press wanted to know what he was doing and sought him out. I don't think so, I would bet, if I were a betting man, that he called the press to his side. Then a day or two later, "OLE" Jesse shows up in front of the camera. It really would be comical if it weren't really sad that these two make their living this way.
James and John, the sons of Zebedee, did something quite similar. Mark 35 records them asking Jesus a favor to allow one to sit at his right hand and the other on his left. Obviously they understood the importance of the position. They knew it put them above the others. But they did not understand the cost associated to obtain the position. Then Jesus explained that only the father in heaven bestowed that honor. I believe Jesus was trying to point out, our concern is not to be where we sit in heaven, but that we have a seat. Once that has occurred, then our concern should be that our relative, friend, neighbor, and stranger has a seat as well. I wonder if the "Reverends" are the least bit concerned if Michael has a seat in heaven? They will tell you he does and act like he does so we can feel good about his death. But does he really? I don't know and I doubt they really do? One News Now is reporting this morning that there was a rumor that Michael prayed the sinners prayer with Andrea Crouch and his sister. They say that they did pray with him but not to accept Christ. It is well known that Michael was raised a Jehovah Witness and recently converted to Islam.
These men should be ashamed of themselves and I know they are not. The family should tell them to step aside and out of the limelight, but they won't. They should be hiding their faces in shame for not leading Michael to a saving knowledge of Christ. But wait, don't you (they) have to have that knowledge first?
My prayer is that I will be remembered for what I was able to do for the Kingdom of God, and not whose right or left hand I struggled to sit on.
James and John, the sons of Zebedee, did something quite similar. Mark 35 records them asking Jesus a favor to allow one to sit at his right hand and the other on his left. Obviously they understood the importance of the position. They knew it put them above the others. But they did not understand the cost associated to obtain the position. Then Jesus explained that only the father in heaven bestowed that honor. I believe Jesus was trying to point out, our concern is not to be where we sit in heaven, but that we have a seat. Once that has occurred, then our concern should be that our relative, friend, neighbor, and stranger has a seat as well. I wonder if the "Reverends" are the least bit concerned if Michael has a seat in heaven? They will tell you he does and act like he does so we can feel good about his death. But does he really? I don't know and I doubt they really do? One News Now is reporting this morning that there was a rumor that Michael prayed the sinners prayer with Andrea Crouch and his sister. They say that they did pray with him but not to accept Christ. It is well known that Michael was raised a Jehovah Witness and recently converted to Islam.
These men should be ashamed of themselves and I know they are not. The family should tell them to step aside and out of the limelight, but they won't. They should be hiding their faces in shame for not leading Michael to a saving knowledge of Christ. But wait, don't you (they) have to have that knowledge first?
My prayer is that I will be remembered for what I was able to do for the Kingdom of God, and not whose right or left hand I struggled to sit on.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Simple Encourgement
Like you, I have been following the economy all year, especially for my industry, that is suffering all over the country. It goes without saying, that many have lost their jobs and others are wondering if they will be next.
Personally I have been there, twice. It is a very scary time and if you are debt laden and have no savings to draw on, it will be financially devastating. Today, I have relatives, friends, and fellow church members that are without jobs and looking and praying.
I could give you all the biblical advice that I could think of and you may or may not listen or heed, but I want to share with you what a little girl once wrote that has meant the world to me. When I am feeling down or indulging in self pity I pull this out and read it.
"Dear Daddy,
I wish I could tell you this in words but for some reason sometimes I can't talk. To get to the point, Daddy I know by fact that you are going to get a job and do good. If nobody else believes in you and knows that you can do it, believe me, I do. I know that you can do it. Your the greatest dad anybody could ever have. And your the most hard working person to. I wish I could be like you."
That little girl is a grown woman now and until now I don't think she has ever known what that note has meant to me. I am glad she couldn't tell me in person, because I would not have had this to read and re-read all these years.
If you are working through unemployment, and your self worth is in doubt, do not despair. There is someone close to you who simply loves you. Not for what you bring in but because of who you are and what you mean to them. Your family is praying and your friends are praying.
Personally I have been there, twice. It is a very scary time and if you are debt laden and have no savings to draw on, it will be financially devastating. Today, I have relatives, friends, and fellow church members that are without jobs and looking and praying.
I could give you all the biblical advice that I could think of and you may or may not listen or heed, but I want to share with you what a little girl once wrote that has meant the world to me. When I am feeling down or indulging in self pity I pull this out and read it.
"Dear Daddy,
I wish I could tell you this in words but for some reason sometimes I can't talk. To get to the point, Daddy I know by fact that you are going to get a job and do good. If nobody else believes in you and knows that you can do it, believe me, I do. I know that you can do it. Your the greatest dad anybody could ever have. And your the most hard working person to. I wish I could be like you."
That little girl is a grown woman now and until now I don't think she has ever known what that note has meant to me. I am glad she couldn't tell me in person, because I would not have had this to read and re-read all these years.
If you are working through unemployment, and your self worth is in doubt, do not despair. There is someone close to you who simply loves you. Not for what you bring in but because of who you are and what you mean to them. Your family is praying and your friends are praying.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hero For Today And All Time
Posting has become more difficult lately. I am not sure whether I am not allotting my time correctly or the enemy has thrown obstacles in my way, but I didn't want Easter to go by without acknowledgement.
Easter means different things to people. To some, it is just some time off from work. For others, it is a time to raise retail sales, and for others, there is the true reason to celebrate. For me the latter is true.
Throughout the years many men have been hailed as heroes. Their accomplishment was to deny their own lives and sacrifice it, if necessary, to save the life of a family member, comrade, or maybe a complete stranger. Many have done this and I believe without thinking, but reacting to the circumstance. Why then is it so hard for us to accept that Jesus, with much thought and prayer, would do the same after weighing all options?
I have been exposed to the story of Jesus since I was a young boy. How he was born, why he was born, why he lived, and why he died. I also learned at a very young age that Jesus died on a cross. I saw artist renditions of this every year and the pictures were, as I learned later, not accurate. These pictures, whether created to protect innocent eyes or not, did little to show the cruel punishment that Jesus suffered. I was an adult before I understood the full extent of what dying on a cross was. As anyone that lived in that era, Jesus knew. He knew full well what to expect and he knew that Satan would pull no punches on his behalf. The mental and physical fatigue that Jesus endured for so long would have put me down soon after it began. But yet, he withstood it all for me and for you. He withstood the full extent of the punishment dealt to him. He did it willingly and with foreknowledge, thought and obedience. He became the perfect sacrifice to atone for our sin against God.
Last night I had the opportunity to participate in a unique service. First we sang praises and then we were led in a time of prayer and meditation. To look inside as God was doing and ask for him to reveal a sin or burden that we may have. Then we were given an opportunity to approach the wooden cross that lay before us and then drive a nail into that cross to nail that sin or burden to it. At first only one came forward. Then, a few more until there were 10 or so there at a time nailing there burden to that cross. The sound was chilling. After that was done, three men picked up the cross and we with candles followed them to the hill where the cross was placed into the ground beside two others. This time however, we were not screaming crucify him but were silent as we remembered his suffering.
I was sitting at the front of the church so I was one of the last out following. The cross was being put into place soon after I had exited the door and then I heard the most chilling sound as they hammered the supports into place to hold the cross.
I hope that on Easter you take time to go to your local church. Go and sing praises of thanksgiving for the gift that Christ offered us with his suffering on that cruel rugged tree. He has presented the gift, and like any other you can accept it or refuse it. It is your decision.
Easter means different things to people. To some, it is just some time off from work. For others, it is a time to raise retail sales, and for others, there is the true reason to celebrate. For me the latter is true.
Throughout the years many men have been hailed as heroes. Their accomplishment was to deny their own lives and sacrifice it, if necessary, to save the life of a family member, comrade, or maybe a complete stranger. Many have done this and I believe without thinking, but reacting to the circumstance. Why then is it so hard for us to accept that Jesus, with much thought and prayer, would do the same after weighing all options?
I have been exposed to the story of Jesus since I was a young boy. How he was born, why he was born, why he lived, and why he died. I also learned at a very young age that Jesus died on a cross. I saw artist renditions of this every year and the pictures were, as I learned later, not accurate. These pictures, whether created to protect innocent eyes or not, did little to show the cruel punishment that Jesus suffered. I was an adult before I understood the full extent of what dying on a cross was. As anyone that lived in that era, Jesus knew. He knew full well what to expect and he knew that Satan would pull no punches on his behalf. The mental and physical fatigue that Jesus endured for so long would have put me down soon after it began. But yet, he withstood it all for me and for you. He withstood the full extent of the punishment dealt to him. He did it willingly and with foreknowledge, thought and obedience. He became the perfect sacrifice to atone for our sin against God.
Last night I had the opportunity to participate in a unique service. First we sang praises and then we were led in a time of prayer and meditation. To look inside as God was doing and ask for him to reveal a sin or burden that we may have. Then we were given an opportunity to approach the wooden cross that lay before us and then drive a nail into that cross to nail that sin or burden to it. At first only one came forward. Then, a few more until there were 10 or so there at a time nailing there burden to that cross. The sound was chilling. After that was done, three men picked up the cross and we with candles followed them to the hill where the cross was placed into the ground beside two others. This time however, we were not screaming crucify him but were silent as we remembered his suffering.
I was sitting at the front of the church so I was one of the last out following. The cross was being put into place soon after I had exited the door and then I heard the most chilling sound as they hammered the supports into place to hold the cross.
I hope that on Easter you take time to go to your local church. Go and sing praises of thanksgiving for the gift that Christ offered us with his suffering on that cruel rugged tree. He has presented the gift, and like any other you can accept it or refuse it. It is your decision.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Memories And Friends
I have a Facebook page! Yes at my age, I've become a Facebookaholic. It has been a very useful tool for finding dear friends (notice I didn't say old) from high school and beyond. One side affect has been nostalgia. Yes, it causes me to think about those people and how they influenced my life.
Today, however, I am thinking of a friend I wish I could re-connect with on Facebook. I didn't meet David until I was an adult and married with our first child on the way. But after meeting, we quickly became friends. Dave was, let me see, spirited. Today we would say he might have ADD or someother hyper- active disorder, but I like to think of him being spirited. Once, I looked out the window and saw Dave running over the hill toward my house with a pan in his hands. He ran up to the side of the house put what was in the pan into a bowl for my dog and then turned and ran back to his house. Sometime later I asked why he just didn't get in the car to bring it over? His answer was, "I was cleaning the kitchen and had put the scraps in the pot and needed to clean it too so I just picked it and ran outside and kept running until I got to your house then back home". Thank goodness I only lived about a quarter of a mile from him.
Dave and I went to Emergency Technician school together. We both became EMT's and worked for the local ambulance service, me full time and Dave would fill in as needed. One night Dave was supposed to work but got someone else to fill in for him. He chose instead to go to a high school football game about an hour from home. He picked up a young friend and off they went. Later that evening we got a call that there had been a bad accident just outside of the town where we lived. Our ambulance was stationed in another town that was centrally located in the county. We arrived about 15 minutes after the call to find my friend Dave as one of the fatalities of the collision. Somehow I found enough presence of mind to do what I had to for those that were injured. But Dave and what happened was still there. A few days later we laid my dear friend to rest.
I am happy to tell you that the story doesn't end quite yet. You see, Dave was not only spirited with his physical activity, but his spiritual activity as well. Dave was a real Christian. He didn't care who you were or what you did for a living, if he was around you very long you were going to hear about Jesus. But wait, that is not all. His actions were his words as well. As we stood in the funeral home and talking about Dave as people do about the one that has passed, stories kept coming out that no one knew except those that benefited from his actions. An elderly couple came by and told that Dave had breakfast with them most mornings at the Ritz cafe. A city worker came by, Dave worked for the city, and told that they would give Dave the dirtiest and stinkiest jobs they had and he did them with a smile on his face. It was his way to show his co-workers he valued them.
Dave died a little over 32 years ago, but my memory of him is still fresh. His death, like his life, was an image of God's love for all of us.
Today, however, I am thinking of a friend I wish I could re-connect with on Facebook. I didn't meet David until I was an adult and married with our first child on the way. But after meeting, we quickly became friends. Dave was, let me see, spirited. Today we would say he might have ADD or someother hyper- active disorder, but I like to think of him being spirited. Once, I looked out the window and saw Dave running over the hill toward my house with a pan in his hands. He ran up to the side of the house put what was in the pan into a bowl for my dog and then turned and ran back to his house. Sometime later I asked why he just didn't get in the car to bring it over? His answer was, "I was cleaning the kitchen and had put the scraps in the pot and needed to clean it too so I just picked it and ran outside and kept running until I got to your house then back home". Thank goodness I only lived about a quarter of a mile from him.
Dave and I went to Emergency Technician school together. We both became EMT's and worked for the local ambulance service, me full time and Dave would fill in as needed. One night Dave was supposed to work but got someone else to fill in for him. He chose instead to go to a high school football game about an hour from home. He picked up a young friend and off they went. Later that evening we got a call that there had been a bad accident just outside of the town where we lived. Our ambulance was stationed in another town that was centrally located in the county. We arrived about 15 minutes after the call to find my friend Dave as one of the fatalities of the collision. Somehow I found enough presence of mind to do what I had to for those that were injured. But Dave and what happened was still there. A few days later we laid my dear friend to rest.
I am happy to tell you that the story doesn't end quite yet. You see, Dave was not only spirited with his physical activity, but his spiritual activity as well. Dave was a real Christian. He didn't care who you were or what you did for a living, if he was around you very long you were going to hear about Jesus. But wait, that is not all. His actions were his words as well. As we stood in the funeral home and talking about Dave as people do about the one that has passed, stories kept coming out that no one knew except those that benefited from his actions. An elderly couple came by and told that Dave had breakfast with them most mornings at the Ritz cafe. A city worker came by, Dave worked for the city, and told that they would give Dave the dirtiest and stinkiest jobs they had and he did them with a smile on his face. It was his way to show his co-workers he valued them.
Dave died a little over 32 years ago, but my memory of him is still fresh. His death, like his life, was an image of God's love for all of us.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Giant Killer Says....
I posted this back in February 08. Given the current condition of our country and in individual lives. It was the most read post last year, so I thought a re-post would be in order.
I was flipping channels the other afternoon and came across the movie, "Facing The Giants". This is about the 3rd time I have seen it but I learn something new just about every time. At first I thought that too much of the feel good gospel was coming through. You know, if you believe then God will give it to you.
After watching again and again, I really don't think that was the intention of the writers. I really believe that they were more in line with Psalm 42. Now, this didn't come to me until Sunday as I listened to our pastor's sermon on this chapter, especially verse-5. I know, I know I should have been on his every word and I was for the most part. But he got me to thinking and the movie came to my mind.
I think most of us have times in life when life is just the pits. Everything seems to come down on us all at once. You know, if it can go wrong it will. Well, that was the coaches situation in the movie. There was an awful smell in his home that he couldn't find the source. His car was always breaking down and at the worst possible moment. He and his wife can't have the children they want so badly. Then he over hears parents talking to the headmaster wanting to replace him. At the meeting he hears his assistant coach, considered a best friend, being offered the position. His life for all practical purposes was in the pits. It all is crushing around him. He is searching for God's answer.
King David, "The Giant Killer", wasn't immune to the pitfalls of life. He wrote, "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirst for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? My tears have been my food day and night, while men say to me all day long where is your God?" David is oppressed, I assume by Satan and his minions. He is feeling a separation from God. His depression has caused him to not eat or drink. Those around him are asking him where is your God? Have you ever found yourself in a like situation? I know I have. So did the coach in this movie. He couldn't eat or sleep. There is only one thing he knew to do in this situation, go to the only place that would offer comfort and answers.
After a time of study and prayer, the coach comes up with a plan based in scripture. He first lays it out for his wife then for the team. He has one ground rule that sticks out for me; "If we loose we will praise him and if we win we will praise him." He approached the rest of the season in faith. He didn't know if God would give the much needed winning season, but he had come to the point of putting it all in God's hands. The coach asked of his wife, "If God never gives us children will you still love him?" I believe the point here is in the end, how much do we trust God to do what is best for us. It may mean that he plans on giving us our desire in a different way than we expect.
God doesn't promise us that he will shield us from trouble. He does promise to get us through to the other side. We look for a pillar in our lives. That point where we know God pulled us through another bad time. We reflect on that and are reminded of God's love for us. His faithfulness to be the foundation that cements us in his arms and then to move through this time of despair. David came to this conclusion 3 different times vs 5 & 11 in chapter 42 and in vs. 5 in chapter 43. He responded to his despair by asking himself a question; "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Then his spirit responds; "Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my savior and my God."
The psalmist and the coach had both decided that no matter what happened, they were going to honor God in what they do. How will you respond to the current trial in your life?
I was flipping channels the other afternoon and came across the movie, "Facing The Giants". This is about the 3rd time I have seen it but I learn something new just about every time. At first I thought that too much of the feel good gospel was coming through. You know, if you believe then God will give it to you.
After watching again and again, I really don't think that was the intention of the writers. I really believe that they were more in line with Psalm 42. Now, this didn't come to me until Sunday as I listened to our pastor's sermon on this chapter, especially verse-5. I know, I know I should have been on his every word and I was for the most part. But he got me to thinking and the movie came to my mind.
I think most of us have times in life when life is just the pits. Everything seems to come down on us all at once. You know, if it can go wrong it will. Well, that was the coaches situation in the movie. There was an awful smell in his home that he couldn't find the source. His car was always breaking down and at the worst possible moment. He and his wife can't have the children they want so badly. Then he over hears parents talking to the headmaster wanting to replace him. At the meeting he hears his assistant coach, considered a best friend, being offered the position. His life for all practical purposes was in the pits. It all is crushing around him. He is searching for God's answer.
King David, "The Giant Killer", wasn't immune to the pitfalls of life. He wrote, "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirst for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? My tears have been my food day and night, while men say to me all day long where is your God?" David is oppressed, I assume by Satan and his minions. He is feeling a separation from God. His depression has caused him to not eat or drink. Those around him are asking him where is your God? Have you ever found yourself in a like situation? I know I have. So did the coach in this movie. He couldn't eat or sleep. There is only one thing he knew to do in this situation, go to the only place that would offer comfort and answers.
After a time of study and prayer, the coach comes up with a plan based in scripture. He first lays it out for his wife then for the team. He has one ground rule that sticks out for me; "If we loose we will praise him and if we win we will praise him." He approached the rest of the season in faith. He didn't know if God would give the much needed winning season, but he had come to the point of putting it all in God's hands. The coach asked of his wife, "If God never gives us children will you still love him?" I believe the point here is in the end, how much do we trust God to do what is best for us. It may mean that he plans on giving us our desire in a different way than we expect.
God doesn't promise us that he will shield us from trouble. He does promise to get us through to the other side. We look for a pillar in our lives. That point where we know God pulled us through another bad time. We reflect on that and are reminded of God's love for us. His faithfulness to be the foundation that cements us in his arms and then to move through this time of despair. David came to this conclusion 3 different times vs 5 & 11 in chapter 42 and in vs. 5 in chapter 43. He responded to his despair by asking himself a question; "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Then his spirit responds; "Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my savior and my God."
The psalmist and the coach had both decided that no matter what happened, they were going to honor God in what they do. How will you respond to the current trial in your life?
Scripture quoted from NIV Study Bible, Zondervan Press
© From the Rocking Chair: All rights reserved
Thursday, February 5, 2009
A Thing To Ponder
"Troubles nearly always make us look to God; His blessings are apt to make us look elsewhere."
-Oswald Chambers
-Oswald Chambers
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
One Solitary Life
Back in the seventies a gospel/contemporary music group, "Truth" sang a song One Solitary Life. The words went something like this: "All the armies that have ever marched, all the navies that have ever set sail, all the rulers that have ever ruled, and all the kings that have ever reigned on this earth all put together have not affected the life of man on earth like this one solitary life". Of course the song is written about the life of Jesus, and I would never compare our lives to His, but didn't He set the example for us to follow?
From that example many have had a impact on humanity; Billy Graham, Mother Theresa, Dwight L. Moody, John Wesley, and if I could think of more I would put them here. These mentioned had years of impact on many lives then and now. Outside of our dedication to the Lord, does the length of years we live really matter.
On Tuesday morning, Noah and Julie Roberts said goodbye to their little Magdalena Grace. Her life was a short one, just a little over the 5 months mark, but the impact she had on the world was greater than I or you will ever be able to know until we are re-united with her in heaven, along with those whose lives were touched and changed by her. She never spoke with words, but used the voice of her Mom and Dad to tell her story. Her's was a story of hope when there was none, of light when there was only darkness, of joy where there was sadness.
Noah and Julie found a way to bring me and many others into their lives as they coped with this terminally ill baby. I am sure that it was an outlet to them, but to us, it was a message of hope in the face of certain tragedy and heartache.
Magdalena, today we shed tears, not of utter sadness or hopelessness but of joy that today you are now whole. We waited with anticipation to read of your triumphs, and cried and prayed for you in the set backs. I believe you know that we, your readers, will miss you. And in the words of Maxim's dad, "Only the time we have here separates us from you".
From that example many have had a impact on humanity; Billy Graham, Mother Theresa, Dwight L. Moody, John Wesley, and if I could think of more I would put them here. These mentioned had years of impact on many lives then and now. Outside of our dedication to the Lord, does the length of years we live really matter.
On Tuesday morning, Noah and Julie Roberts said goodbye to their little Magdalena Grace. Her life was a short one, just a little over the 5 months mark, but the impact she had on the world was greater than I or you will ever be able to know until we are re-united with her in heaven, along with those whose lives were touched and changed by her. She never spoke with words, but used the voice of her Mom and Dad to tell her story. Her's was a story of hope when there was none, of light when there was only darkness, of joy where there was sadness.
Noah and Julie found a way to bring me and many others into their lives as they coped with this terminally ill baby. I am sure that it was an outlet to them, but to us, it was a message of hope in the face of certain tragedy and heartache.
Magdalena, today we shed tears, not of utter sadness or hopelessness but of joy that today you are now whole. We waited with anticipation to read of your triumphs, and cried and prayed for you in the set backs. I believe you know that we, your readers, will miss you. And in the words of Maxim's dad, "Only the time we have here separates us from you".
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