Friday, March 28, 2008

You Need To Read This

I got this via email, but as I always do I did some research to see if the article had been written. I didn't find it a the New York Sun as the email suggested but I did find it Here

This man, Ken Blackwell, wrote it and you should go and read it. It will be worth your while.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Old Feelings

My mind took me back today. Back to a time when I was a youngster and a teenager. A time when our country was in a war that seemed to never want to end. My first thoughts were about the time when I became eligible for the draft. Yeah, we had to sign up those days. We went to the local selective service office and gave the personal information desired and a few weeks later you received your card. It carried a classification designation of your status. My initial one was 1H which was holding. I was still in high school and that was the usual classification. Later that year it was changed to 1A because I had graduated high school and was now in college. Even though the draft had expired there was still 2 years left that a lottery was drawn. Each January somewhere in DC a person would draw birth dates at random. Depending on the number your date was drawn determined the likely hood that you would drafted(if the draft was still active). My first number was 365 which meant that I was less likely. The following January my number was 007 which meant that I would have been on the next boat to "Nam".

I don't really know why I thought about that today, except maybe in the last couple of days military deaths in Iraq reached the 4000 mark. Sixty some odd Mississippians have died in the last five years. Their families buried 2 in the last 2 weeks. I don't know how each of these men and women felt going into harms way. Some appear to take it in stride others I know have to be very afraid. Knowing that, reminded me of my feelings back in the seventies. I remembered the fear I had of the possibility of being called to go to war. Sometimes, if I let it get to me, it would even be paralyzing. I never let anyone know my feelings for fear that I might be thought to be a coward. Fighting was not something I did very well even on the playground. I didn't know how I would have coped. Thankfully I never had to find out.

We don't have an active draft today, although I think that you still have to register. Our military today is all volunteer. They have chosen to be there. A lot, I think, never really thought we would again go to war. But, we have, and men and women are loosing their lives and are maimed in some way, some grossly. They face difficult situations differently. Some seem foolish because they face the dangers head on and somewhat recklessly. Others are more cautious. But they all face danger and it is real.

With all this said, we need to carefully consider who will be the new commander in chief. Two of the candidates seem to be concerned more about ending than winning. One has a mindset to win, then end. I lived through an ending with no winning attached. Our country has paid a price for that. We appear to be weak and that is dangerous. We can't afford that again. Our men and women deserve the very best leadership. Not flawless, but consistent leadership.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What Does Your Church Preach

As for me and my church, we preach the word of the Lord God Almighty.

Recently a friend forwarded the old email telling that Obama is a Muslim. I don't know Obama so I cannot vouch for his religious leanings. But someone he sent this email to "replied to all" and wanted to bet that Obama is a "strong" Christian. He offered $1000 as a wager. I didn't take the wager but I did take the challenge. Can we tell what someone believes by the church he attends? In all honesty, NO! But, yes.

I will admit that I know very little if anything about the inner workings of African American churches. So, I will not disparage anything they may or may not preach. I do know in the south they are to perceived to be the havens for political activism without much true God fearing spiritual substance. Please note that I used the word perceived. With that said, what should anyone look for in selecting a church?
  • One that the pastor preaches the infallible Word of God.
  • One that nurtures the membership to grow more Christlike in their lives.
  • One that actively evangelizes in the community.
  • One that offers a sense of belonging
  • One that offers opportunities of service to others that may have needs
  • This list is not all inclusive.
Obama said he wasn't there when the much reported racist message was preached. If his church was like churches that I know it would not take long (a few hours) for the membership to have heard about it, assuming it was not your normal every Sunday sermon. How he could not know I can't explain. The excuses I heard pointed mostly "You don't understand how a black church works". Lame excuse.

One more word. I don't know what it is about this man, but something doesn't quite ring true. Maybe it is me, maybe not. I am praying that the Lord will reveal to me the right person for our next president. I hope you will too.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Star Power II

The last time I approached this subject, I left the impression that the Antichrist would ride in on a wave of popularity like no one has seen. And again, I am not in the least trying to leave an impression that Obama is the Antichrist. What I would like for you to see is the circus that has surrounded him and remember when the time is right this will be the same way for the appearance of the Antichrist. Then you will have some memory in the back of your head as you see it come to pass.

Being a native Mississippian, I watched with some interest as both candidates came here to woo us. The excitement level varied widely between the two. Clinton was a little more subdued and business like. Obama looked like he was the star quarterback of the local standout team. It felt more like a pep rally, which have lots of hype and no substance. The hype was so big that a county democratic committee ran out of ballots in a county that ordered triple the amount of ballots than in the last Presidential primary. Cross over to vote against Obama, or new voters?

This hoopla has really got me going. I just can't believe people are so gullible. A co-worker, who is some 15 years younger asked how it might have been with JFK. I don't know first hand because i was just a little kid, but I called my Dad and got his take. He said it was a lot like that then. JFK was Catholic, Obama has been accused of being Muslim, and the very least a member of a racist church. The south was against JFK because of his civil rights beliefs. Obama is big in the south because of civil rights association.

This may not be the last I will say on this subject, but come November we will need to put hype aside and think who will be the best to protect us. Some one is anti war or some one who won't pull the trigger as a jerk reaction but will if he has too.

Pray earnestly about your decision.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

In His Own Words

In November all of us will go to the polls (or should) to select the next President Of The United States. My feeling is that many do not take this as seriously as they should. They approach it rather carelessly. They do not spend any time researching the facts and depend on motivational speeches and news sound bites to make their choice. But if you will just do a little looking you can really find out a lot about some one's thoughts.

A lot of things have been said about Obama, some true, some speculative and I am sure there are some false statements as well, but what he says about himself should be of interest to all of us. For instance, a news article on One News Now, showed how he really feels on the gay rights issue. In his own words from his own blog site, "As your President, I will use the bully pulpit to urge states to treat same-sex couples with full equality in their family and adoption laws. I personally believe that civil unions represent the best way to secure that equal treatment. But I also believe that the federal government should not stand in the way of states that want to decide on their own how best to pursue equality for gay and lesbian couples — whether that means a domestic partnership, a civil union, or a civil marriage. Unlike Senator Clinton, I support the complete repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)– a position I have held since before arriving in the U.S. Senate. While some say we should repeal only part of the law, I believe we should get rid of that statute altogether. Federal law should not discriminate in any way against gay and lesbian couples, which is precisely what DOMA does. I have also called for us to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and I have worked to improve the Uniting American Families Act so we can afford same-sex couples the same rights and obligations as married couples in our immigration system.... I will never compromise on my commitment to equal rights for all LGBT Americans. But neither will I close my ears to the voices of those who still need to be convinced. That is the work we must do to move forward together. It is difficult. It is challenging. And it is necessary." Don't believe me, look here!

If Americans, who know that this is contrary to the majority, don't get up off the chair, and get to the polls and vote, this is exactly what we will get. Our inaction will result in getting just the leader we deserve. The nation of Israel did just the same thing. They begged Samuel for a king. Samuel appealed to the Lord and he said give them a king, but tell them just what they will be getting. 1 Samuel 8. Even though we are not getting a king, the next president will shape domestic and foreign policy, appoint judges, and may get to appoint Supreme Court Judges.

What do you want America to look like in 4 years?

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