This little blog post is to have you to continue to pray for him, and the men he has served with this last year. Some are coming home to families falling apart and some to spouses diagnosed with life challenging diseases. All of them will have to re-integrate into society again. Their families will have to adjust along side of them as well, when husband and daddy returns.
Although I am primarily concerned with him and his group, the war in Iraq is winding down and many will be coming home to the same situations. Multiple deployments have taken a toll on the family structure that our great nation is built around and as that crumbles so does the very being of who we are.
Specifically pray for patience (on everyone's part), for peace in their spirits, and for their safety as they take these last legs of travel to get home.
Thanks to all of you who have remembered them all this time and have helped in ways that cannot be counted here but will be in eternity.

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