Intolerant, an adjective, to be unable or unwilling to
endure. The first time I remember hearing the word was in the verb form,
tolerate. I was in the sixth grade. My “homeroom” teacher was the principle of
the elementary school. He would always say “I will not tolerate…..”, or “your…
will not be tolerated, that would be some misbehavior on someone’s part. Out
came the dictionary so that I would know what in the world he was talking about.That was a big word then.
Today, the word has become a brand to describe everyone who
disagrees with your particular social or political agenda. It is used to beat
you down and make you cower as soon as the word is tossed into the air. You
are to tremble in fear if you are labeled as intolerant. It is used to degrade your opinion or knowledge and is an effort to make them irrelevant.
As a Christian, I have learned that we should be intolerant of sin. I have also learned that sin wants to be tolerated. Truth shows sin as it is. Sin seeks to redefine truth. God's Word, the Bible, is the truth that reveals that sin, whether through the words of the prophets of the Old Testament, or from the Gospels of the New Testament recording the words of Jesus. Sin viewed in this light is clearly seen, personal or societal.
Sin, individual or group, is not new in a society. From the fall of man to today's social agendas sin has worked to be acceptable. It has found ways and will continue to chip away at the moral fiber of our churches and the nation. Will we (I) continue to stand aside and watch as we flush ourselves down the toilet, or will we gain a backbone and stand against the assault, with the Truth, the real Truth.
I have found that being intolerant, in light of The Truth, a correct action and in that light will accept being called intolerant as a compliment.

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