On this day, we spout our platitudes on freedom and what it means, but yet many have taken those freedoms for granted for so long they mean nothing to them. It will be easy for them to fall for the trappings or appearances of something that "could" be better. Oh, wait, this country just did that. We liked the words of "Hope and Change" but didn't really look at what that might mean. What it has meant, at least to this Southern Boy, is the eroding of our basic freedoms.
All the quips and slogans that have been spoken and posted on Facebook sound good and may make some feel better, but the reality is most have not spent the time to evaluate what they are saying. What do they really, I mean really mean to these people? That is what I like to hear. Not something learned by rote all the years of your lives, but what does it really mean. What if you had to live differently?

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