Occasionally we get to step back in time. No, not literally, but almost. With this brain that God created, we can imagine and relive many experiences from times past. Sometimes all we need is a little jogging of the memory. To see a face, hear a voice, shake a hand, or hug a neck is all it could take and yesterday I got to do all of those at the Kosciusko Mega Class Reunion, 1965-1975.
Seeing the faces of so many classmates from my graduating class as well as those from a couple years before and after was F..U..N! The memories were sweet and I was reminded of things that even I didn't remember. The committees of each class did a great job of putting our senior portraits on our name tags so we could remember the younger us. Boy did that help, because so many of us have really gotten older and look less like we did. A few really haven't changed that much.
I was reminded how time has just flown by. It has been 39 YEARS since I have seen most of my classmates. Because of Facebook I have at least seen current photos and communicated with some. The sound of 400+ old people singing "Kosy High" was an inspiration even though I didn't remember the words. We sang it at every pep rally and since I was in the band, I played the tune. I did not figure out how to play and sing at the same exact time.
Walking down the hallways of the school many classes came back to me. Mrs. Jones' geometry class that I attended and failed. (just couldn't remember all those rules). My French class, Mrs. Power's English class and the cafeteria. Most import the band hall which we couldn't get into. That would have topped my day.
Those who know me personally know that I was the drum major my senior year of the best band in the state! GO BIG RED!!! A special treat was that the drum major of 71-72 was there as well as our band director. Here is the picture that I will cherish.
Left to right: Mike Brunt, Mickey Grove (band director) and me
Thanks to all of those who really worked hard to pull this off. You did a great job. I wish there would have been more of our classmates there although we were represented well.