Day two started with a thunderstorm about 5:00am so we slept in. When we finally ventured out we started with a good breakfast in a very busy café. But they were hustling and kept the turnover going. They weren’t rushing folks but as folks left they had the table cleared in seconds and the next one sat down. Once again our waitress was from Poland. Go figure that we would eat at two different cafés and our waitresses would be from Poland. Of course no sweet tea!! Iced tea but not sweet! There was a lady sitting behind Shirley and she heard her ask for sweet tea and when leaving she told us she had committed the same offense. She was from Alabama.

We left there and walked another two blocks to Central Park, an oasis in the midst of chaos. We too found it very peaceful. We took the horse and buggy ride and learned a lot about the park. There were rock outcroppings throughout and we learned that Manhattan is on bedrock. The tall buildings here can be built because they dig down until they get to the bedrock then start building. In Central Park, the rock pops up above the surface and looks like the foothills of a mountain range in the middle of all the asphalt and steel.
Shirley texting a friend telling how much the buggy ride was.
Our carriage driver. He is from Ireland. Doesn't he remind you Dana Carvey?
After the ride.
Rock cropping and if you look close you will see two people asleep on top!
After that we took our first subway ride. Crowded and hot are two adjectives I would use to describe it. Shirley had an experience that only she can tell you about. Not bad but really weird.
Down underground
Next out to Liberty Island. All I can say about that is “emotional”. I cannot remember a time in my life that I have not wanted to see “Lady Liberty”. It was all that I had ever imagined. A bonus was there. A high school band from Springdale Arkansas was there playing. They played “America the Beautiful”. Need I say more.
Isn't she just beautiful?
Bet you are wondering how I took this photo. Let's just say a really good lens on the camera. I was on the ground at the base.
One the way back a thunderstorm blew up and we all got wet. By the time we reached the dock it had stopped for us long enough to get back to the subway station.
We rode the subway to uptown and then got on the bus tour again and went up to Columbia University and Harlem.
The Apollo taken while getting completely wet!
Guess what? Another thunderstorm!! We were on top of double-decker bus with no cover. Wet again! The guide then handed out ponchos, which helped. But we just laughed and made the best of the situation.
We made it back to the hotel, wet! Changed clothes and went to the “Top of the Rock”. Beautiful! We waited until dark and it was well worth it.
The top of the Empire State Building at the left. I think my lens might be a little dirty for a night shot.
We have found out that we need to know Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, German, Spanish and a host of other languages. You know how you want a pic of the two of you in front of something neat and you just grab a passerby and ask them. Nope, ain't going to happen!
Topped the night off with desert.