It is so much fun when you take the little one's especially when they are very young and are just noticing things. The midway was seemingly very interesting to Grayson. The flags flapping in the wind and the lights and sounds that he just couldn't quite take all in. Cayden is older now and enjoys the smaller rides. Well, at least some of them.
There is a boat ride that isn't that much fun. I know this from experience! I was duped into riding with Cayden a year or too ago and neither of us liked it then. But for some reason last night, he thought he wanted to ride it. He may have, if the ride had started quicker, but it took some time for the operator to get it going and then "the look" came across Cayden's face. The look of fear, and I don't want to do this, please help me. I turned to his mother and told her I thought he wanted off. Sure enough the tears began to roll. As mother's do, Sonia went flying up to the ride and rescued her baby. I think he suddenly realized that none of us was going to ride it with him and he became afraid.
When a minister (preacher) sees something like this he may think there is a sermon somewhere in there. Well, I am no preacher but I did spot a life lesson.
You and I often run upon situations that make us afraid. Life is not fair a lot of the time. We look at our circumstance become afraid, look to see who is there to ride with us and discover no one is and then we look for someone to rescue us. There is someone waiting to rescue us, our Heavenly Father. God tells us in his word, that we shouldn't be afraid, we should trust Him. We will still have our circumstance to work through but "you can trust Him". Trust Him to ride the ride with you and to be your rescuer.
Last night Cayden's rescuer was his mother, but I hope that we are able to teach him to not have fear that God is always near him, holds him to His chest, and will rescue him if necessary.
Hoping you trust Him,