Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Time has flown since my last post. It just seems the older I get the more time fleets by. This morning I awoke around 4. I don't know why really, but that has occurred the last three or four nights. As I lay in bed quietly listening to my wife's rhythmic breathing, my thoughts moved to a song that we are working on for church, "At Your Mercy Seat". The title caught my eye and I just had to hear it and read the lyrics. What a powerful song.

From every stormy wind that blows, from every swelling tide of woes,

There is a calm, a sure retreat found beneath the mercy seat.

There is a place where Jesus sheds the oil of gladness on our heads,

A place that all beside more sweet; it is the blood bought mercy seat.


I will come, I will bow down, pour my burdens at Your feet;

I will come, I will bow down at Your mercy seat.

There is a scene where spirits blend, where friend holds fellowship with friend;

Though sundered far, by faith they meet around one common mercy seat.


I will come, I will bow down, pour my burdens at Your feet;

I will come, I will bow down at Your mercy seat.

There on eagles wings we soar, and sin and sense molest no more;

And heaven comes our souls to greet while glory crowns the mercy seat.


I will come, I will bow down, pour my burdens at Your feet;

I will come, I will bow down at Your mercy seat.

Have a Great Day

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Let Freedom Ring!!!!

This Sunday the male quartet I sing in at church will be singing the song "Let Freedom Ring". We have practiced this for several weeks getting ready to really let it "RIP" for July 4th at church. The song reminds us of that heartbeat of desire for freedom in everything alive. No matter the oppression, that desire lurks beneath the surface of every being on earth. The song reminds us also of the sacrifices made by so many whether through death or by their participation in securing our freedoms by walking up to the gates of hell so others won't have to. Those reminders are necessary or we will take our freedoms for granted and loose them altogether.

The song also reminds us that Christ walked up to the gates of hell, unlocked the door, and left it open so that souls, that believed in His blood redemption, could not longer be held captive by Satan and his minions. He bought our freedom with His sacrifice upon the cross and stamped pardon on our souls.

Oh, I hope that all of you reading this have experienced that freedom. Without it, all the civil freedoms we now enjoy most certainly will have less meaning.

Go to worship Sunday, honor our freedoms by honoring and worshiping the Christ who makes them all possible.