I have remained quiet on this blog about all that has happened since January. Not because I haven't had opinions, but mainly for a host of other reasons. That said, I believe that these 3 are the most pressing issues of the whole debate and should be dealt with before moving forward with a radical upheaval of the health care system in this country.
First, on the list is portability. That has been addressed somewhat over the last few years but is still not as it should be. If you are covered by a company in your previous employment, then the new company's - if there is no break between jobs - insurer should insure you with no penalties or wait time. Currently there is a 90 day window. A lot of things can happen in that span of time.
Second, on the list plays right with the first, pre-existing condition coverage. This one thing nails you when you find the need to change employment, either by choice or force. Most of us older Americans do have one thing or another wrong with us that can be considered a pre-existing condition.
Third on my list is stop-gap. I define stop-gap as a time when an employee is laid off due to economic conditions or just by poor management of the company they work for. There should be a better alternative than COBRA which in some cases triples the cost of monthly premiums to the family who is put on unemployment pay. I have seen the cost of COBRA take the full unemployment benefits to keep insurance in force. That is not right! If the government wants a hand in insurance then work in this area to help those who are not employed by no fault of their own.
See, just 3 little steps to help us all without giving up our freedom and having a nanny government spoon feeding us.
Those of you who voted for this speaker of half truths, and outright lies, VOTE next year to put enough conservative voices in government to put a halt to this slide down a very dangerous slope.
I will stop there. That is another post for another time.