Friday, December 28, 2007

A New Year

Here we are on the brink of a New Year. What will it hold for you and me? Will it be the same old same or will you and I strive for something better?

It is tradition to examine one's past in order to make promises to ourselves to do more or less depending on the issue. We resolve to do____ you fill in the blank.

I have resolved to loose the weight I gained in 2006, which was all the weight that I lost in 2005. I am sure I will loose some but we will have to wait and see on the all.

These are some of my hopes for the new year.
  • I hope to become more consistent in my prayer life. I am learning that it is the ONE most important part of my Christian walk.
  • I hope to become more patient with those around me.
  • I hope to become deeper in my spiritual walk.
  • I hope to become bolder in my witness for Christ
  • I hope to set all my priorities weighed on God's Word.

I have used the word hope instead of resolve. To resolve would mean that I would be promising to do these things. I cannot, but I desire to be more like this and with God sitting more on the throne of my life it will happen.

What are your hopes for the New Year? Will God be a priority in your life or will he just be there as a crutch when things get bad? Are you sure he will be if you don't know him? Get to know him this year!

Ephesians 1:13 (New International Version)

13And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,

Friday, December 7, 2007

The Way He Came

One of my favorite Christmas songs, and I have many, is "The Way He Came" recorded by Truth many moons ago. I don't know who wrote the song and if I did I would give him the credit due here but here are the lyrics for you to read and reflect on.

The Way He Came

Just to think such royalty would come the way He came
In a dusty little town
Born in such humility upon a bed of hay
Certainly He lay His glory down

Who would think this little child would be the Promised One?
Would the Messiah really come this way?/
Certainly this was no birthplace for the son of God
Isn't it amazing how He came

Isn't it amazing the way the way He came?
No crown, no throne, no big parade
There were no fanfares played, no jubilant display
Isn't it amazing how He came?

Can't believe that I would be the reason why He came
Can't believe He left His mighty throne
He became a pauper so that I could be a king
Denied Himself to make my heart his home

Isn't it amazing the way the way He came?
No crown, no throne, no big parade
There were no fanfares played, no jubilant display
Isn't it amazing how He came?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

For Unto You Is Born A Savior Part II

One of my favorite things to do at this time of year is to attend Christmas Cantatas. To hear and see the pageantry of the birth of Jesus is moving and a reminder of the reason we have the Holiday in the first place. I never grow tired of the Greatest Story Ever Told.

This year marks the third Christmas since my nephew died. For his Mom and Dad Christmas has lost some of its zip. Well if truth be told life has as well. I hope that in the not so far future that it will be easier for them. He will never be forgotten, but just maybe a little easier. There are countless others who will be without loved ones this year. For some it will be for another year, and for some this will be the first and worst. Some have been taken by war and some taken by wrecks, and yet others through suicide and natural causes. It doesn't matter how we loose our loved ones the lost can be unbearable. Enter Jesus.

Jesus' birth into this world was to fulfill God's promise to provide a blood atonement for the sin of mankind. For those of us who accept this atonement and trust him as our Savior he becomes much more. He is the comfort in times of heartache and despair. It is tough this time of year for some but God, His Son, and His Holy Spirit is available to all will trust him.