I don't know about you, but Christmas has always been a special time for me. Like most children, I always anticipated the gifts. In my early years there weren't many but we received some. One year, my sister was particularly aggravating. So much so that my Dad wrapped a huge empty box and told her that was all there was because of the way she acted. This was pretty funny because we have always opened our presents on Christmas Eve. Well, on Christmas morning she had a brand new bike in the living room. The point had been made.
After I married my wife and I merged many of our different traditions for our children. What we did different was we opened two or three presents on Christmas Eve and then "Santa" came on Christmas morning. Usually way to early after being up all night putting things together. But the expression on their faces and the excitement was always worth any lost sleep.
Now I am a grandfather. We have had two Christmas's now and this will be the third and the best. His anticipation is growing each day as he sees different things he would like. The only draw back this year is the absence of his dad who is deployed and that is big for mom, dad and grandparents. We will make the best of a bad situation and be thankful for his service.
Christmas is much more that all that above. It is a special time because of the real meaning of the season. It is the time set aside in our culture to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. This is the message I learned and have taught. There are days coming in the next weeks that will be hectic and will seem like there are not enough hours in the day, but I will try to keep the real "Reason for the Season" as the important reason for this time of year.
Don't forget those service men and women who will be away from family this year. Pray earnestly for their safety and the safety of their families.
Merry Christmas to all of you and the best of the New Year!!